Invite each other to check-in “fan” Cau Dat tea hill

Compass Travel Vietnam
Invite each other to check-in “fan” Cau Dat tea hill

About 17 “giant fans” stand out against the blue background of the sky and trees at Cau Dat tea hill, Xuan Truong, Da Lat, making anyone coming here want to pull out their phone and take a picture of “1,001”. “virtual life” picture.

Invite each other to check-in

The presence of giant “fans” makes the already beautiful space at Cau Dat tea hill even more special – Photo: DONG NGO

Already the most “hot” place to hunt rattan in Da Lat, Cau Dat tea hill attracts tourists with its wild and peaceful beauty. The additional appearance of giant “blowers” makes this place even more “hot” coordinates on the map of “must check-in” points in Da Lat of young people.

Road to Cau Dat tea hill

From Dalat city center, you can choose to travel by car or motorbike. The road to Cau Dat tea hill is completely paved, so it is very easy to go. What you need to do is open Google Maps, fill in the location of the departure point, the destination and start moving according to the instructions.

On the way, you will encounter countless beautiful scenes on both sides of the road. You should go from 4 am to be able to hunt clouds, watch the sunrise and check in with the “fan” when the sun is not too strong. The total time to travel from Dalat center to Cau Dat tea hill is about 50 minutes (more than 26km).

Invite each other to check-in to

Dawn on the way to Cau Dat tea hill, visitors need to go early to capture this wonderful moment – Photo: NGUYEN HIEN

Is “blower” easy to find?

You absolutely do not need to worry about finding your way to the check-in place with the “blower”, because they stand tall in the sky with a height of nearly 90m and a striking white color. Right from Highway 20, you can already see them.

Wind power projects here will be built from September 2021. The strangeness and newness of the giant “blower” have attracted the attention of people and visitors from its very first days.

Just standing still and having a good photo

These “blowers” stand out among the thousands of teas at Cau Dat, so you just need to stand in and have a good photo. Thanks to that, many couples, families or even single young people come and save themselves wonderful moments.

Invite each other to check-in

The “child” muse makes netizens flutter when checking-in with a “fan” – Photo: DONG NGO

Cau Dat tea hill is inherently beautiful, so when taking photos with “fan” you can choose from many different styles from gentle, sporty muse to “cool” hip hop.

To have the best photos, you should choose the right time to take photos: early in the morning (before 9 am) or after 4 pm. Those are the times when the sunlight is less intense, and the water taken is more natural. When taking photos, you need to pay attention to choosing the light direction so that your face is not dark or too harsh, the hot sun will make you squint, and the photos will be less beautiful.

Currently, in addition to Cau Dat tea hill in Da Lat, visitors can also check-in with a “blower” at many other famous tourist attractions in Quy Nhon (Binh Dinh), Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, Soc Trang, Dak Farm…

Invite each other to check-in

As soon as it appeared on social networks, a set of photos sharing sweet moments of mother and daughter with a giant “fan” has “snapped” the public’s heart – Photo: DONG NGO

Invite each other to check-in

From far to near, any corner of the “fans” in the wind power project at Cau Dat tea hill also becomes an interesting check-in point – Photo: DONG NGO

Invite each other to check-in

Wind turbines are quite tall, so the familiar shooting angle is often used as a vertical frame to cover the entire turbine – Photo: DONG NGO

Invite each other to check-in to

The appearance of wind turbines in the midst of immense mountains and forests at Cau Dat tea hill makes this place even more attractive in the eyes of tourists – Photo: DONG NGO

Invite each other to check-in “fan” Cau Dat tea hill

Source: vinlove