The travel site suggests the world’s top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first

Compass Travel Vietnam
The travel site suggests the world’s top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first

Food tours in Vietnam are highly appreciated for having very rich and delicious dishes at very reasonable prices.

If your love for food can only be satisfied by a certain excursion, then the food tour is really for you. Join us on the road, explore cultures and conquer your taste buds with the food tours recommended by the foreign travel site The Culture Trip below.

Notably, in these 5 food tours, Vietnam is honored to be the first destination with countless home-cooked dishes or street foods that are both reasonably priced and famous, making tourists in and abroad are loved.

1. Come to Vietnam for delicious home-cooked food and street food

Preferably ranking Vietnam as the first destination on this list, The Culture Trip wrote: “What can beat a freshly baked baguette on the streets of Hanoi? Just a bowl of pho. Just eat it with a glass of cold Vietnamese beer. There’s no doubt that Vietnam is a destination for foodies.”

The travel site suggests the world's top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first - Photo 2.
The travel site suggests the world's top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first - Photo 3.

This 12-day trip (with an estimated cost of about 1500 USD) will start from Hanoi – the capital of Vietnam, passing through villages, rice fields of rural areas with delicious dishes. Cook at the home of the locals. You will explore Lan Ha Bay by boat, then catch the night train to Hue and continue to enjoy the famous delicacies here.

2. Going to Sicily for cooking classes in Palermo and shopping in Syracuse

You’ll have some of the most delicious stays in Sicily, where you’ll indulge in sunbathing while soothing your stomach with Southern Italian cuisine. The 10-day trip (with an estimated cost of about $3,700) can start with cocktails and a Sicilian cooking class in Palermo.

The travel site suggests the world's top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first - Photo 4.
The travel site suggests the world's top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first - Photo 5.

After that, you can head to the Madonie mountains to enjoy the cool atmosphere, the poetic scenery that is suitable for hiking, and above all, the fresh agricultural products here. You could spend a few days traveling around the Eolie Islands and then quickly return to Sicily to admire the legendary Mount Etna. The trip will end perfectly with a food tour in Syracuse, where you will enjoy pistachios, almonds, tomatoes… at the local markets.

3. Go to Jerusalem for a beer and a bike ride around the market

Jerusalem is still considered Israel’s holy site and is famous for its historical sites and religious buildings. But did you know this is also a favorite destination for foodies?

The travel site suggests the world's top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first - Photo 6.
The travel site suggests the world's top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first - Photo 7.

With a 7-day trip (with an estimated cost of about 3000 USD), you can enjoy beer in Jerusalem as well as home-cooked food in a variety of styles. You will get to visit Mount Zion, the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and cruise in the Dead Sea. The tour will end in Tel Aviv – where you will have the opportunity to explore the famous food markets by bicycle.

4. Come to New Orleans for dinner on board and join in making cocktails

New Orleans is the birthplace of music, cocktails, and above all, food. It’s no coincidence that this southern city in the United States is considered one of the best places in America to go on a food tour.

The travel site suggests the world's top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first - Photo 8.
The travel site suggests the world's top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first - Photo 9.

The 4-day cruise begins with an evening filled with jazz, swing music and fresh seafood aboard a traditional watercraft along the Mississippi River. The next day, you’ll take a tour of the French Quarter before joining the mix and enjoying cocktails at the New Orleans Drinks Lab.

On day 3, you’ll take a kayak to the Louisiana swamps and enjoy a Cajun crawfish dish before heading to Bourbon Street for a full night in New Orleans. Day 4 is for goodbyes, and perhaps one last cocktail.

5. Came to Japan to eat ramen in Osaka and attended sushi-making classes in Tokyo

Looking for a soul-healing food tour? Then the 12-day trip (with an estimated cost of about 4700 USD) from Osaka to Tokyo, tasting the best food in the cities to the most beautiful countryside in the land of the rising sun is the gift. special for you.

The travel site suggests the world's top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first - Photo 10.
The travel site suggests the world's top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first - Photo 11.

Start with a bowl of ramen and sake in Osaka, learn how to make Japanese pancakes (called Okonomiyaki) in Hiroshima or explore the specialties of the Nishiki food market in Kyoto.

Once you’ve reached the glittering capital of Tokyo, be sure to keep your stomach full for the delicious and delicious sushi here. If you like, you can take classes on how to make sushi from Japan’s top chefs.

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The travel site suggests the world’s top 5 culinary tours: Vietnam ranks first

Source: vinlove