Nha Trang specialties are made from things many people throw away, eat crispy, chewy, and cost up to 400$/kg

Compass Travel Vietnam
Nha Trang specialties are made from things many people throw away, eat crispy, chewy, and cost up to 400$/kg

Usually when making fish, people will leave this part out. But it can be processed into many delicious dishes.

Usually when making fish, people will leave this part out. But it can be processed into many delicious dishes.

Traveling to Nha Trang but still wondering what to buy as a gift, you can go to dry stalls. Here, there are all kinds of dry goods such as dried squid, rolled squid, dried fish … and most especially to all kinds of fish bubbles.

The fish bladder is an organ located inside the fish intestine, shaped like an inflated balloon. Usually, many people often leave this part out when making fish because they think it is not edible. However, few people know that fish bubbles contain quite a lot of beneficial nutrients for the body, in addition, fish bubbles are very delicious, when chewed, they have a crunchy, chewy feeling.

However, not all types of fish can give the best fish bubbles. To ensure quality, size and nutrients, Nha Trang fish bubbles are usually taken from large fish such as tuna, groundnut, guillotin, carp, etc. Each of these fish will give bubbles. Fish have different nutrients.

When preliminarily processing the fish, the fisherman will simultaneously harvest fish bubbles. They will be cleaned and then dried in the sun or lightly fried. Doing so helps the fish bladders to last for a long time and retain the beneficial nutrients.

In Nha Trang, bubble fish is the most popular. Peanut fish is one of the nutritious fish, often found in Khanh Hoa and Phu Yen areas. According to research, peanuts contain a lot of nutrients, rich in vitamins, fat and calcium, iron to help improve health and increase resistance for people who have just recovered from illness. You can find peanut butter bubbles at most markets or seafood stores. The price of each pound of peanut balls is up to 9 million VND.

Nha Trang specialties made from things many people throw away, eat crispy, chewy, and cost up to 9 million VND / kg - Photo 2.

Besides the peanut bubble, the sugar fish bubble is also popular with many people. This type of bubble is a bit cheaper, about 400$/kg. Sugar fish balls contain many nutrients to help improve health, and increase vitality, kidney, and spermatogenesis, which is very good for men.

Carp bubble is quite familiar with the price is not too high, only about 400,000 – 500,000 VND / kg, but contains quite a lot of nutrients, helps to cure cough, benefits milk, so it is a suitable food for pregnant women. or are breastfeeding.

Fish bubbles can be processed into many delicious dishes. The simplest is to cook fish bubble porridge. Fish bubbles are preliminarily processed by soaking in a mixture of ginger wine to eliminate odors, then draining. Then chop it up and put it in the porridge. Finally, season to taste and enjoy.

Nha Trang specialties made from things many people throw away, eat crispy, chewy, and cost up to 9 million VND / kg - Photo 3.

To support health promotion, healing and pain relief, you can also make alum sugar-steamed fish bubbles. After washing the fish bubbles, put it in the same water with alum sugar, steam it until soft and absorb the taste of rock sugar, it can be used.

Fish balls can also be chopped and fried with eggs or dipped in hot pot. When eating, they feel crispy, crunchy, very interesting.

There are some notes when choosing to buy Nha Trang fish bubbles:

– Should choose to buy fish bubbles with milky white or light yellow color, dry surface, not mushy or soft.

– Prioritize buying fish bubbles that have been dried, dried or pre-fried for easy storage and processing.

– Avoid buying fish bubble pieces that are dark yellow, slimy, and have an unpleasant fishy smell.

Besides bird’s nest, fish bubble is considered the most nutritious Nha Trang specialty, very suitable as a gift for relatives and friends. Come to the coastal city, don’t forget to buy some fish bubbles!

Nha Trang specialties are made from things many people throw away, eat crispy, chewy, and cost up to 400$/kg

Source: vinlove