Make millions every day by carrying tourists to visit the old town in flood season

Compass Travel Vietnam
Make millions every day by carrying tourists to visit the old town in flood season

The service of taking tourists to see Hoi An ancient town on high flood days has an income of millions per day.

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After heavy rains and hydroelectricity to regulate floods, many roads in Hoi An city were flooded. Traveling by boat on the old streets has become familiar to the people here. This also brings a lot of income when tourists want to visit the old town “in flood season” (Photo: Ngo Linh).
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At Cau Pagoda, many boats are waiting to invite visitors (Photo: Ngo Linh).
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Tourists enjoy sitting on a boat to see the old town, which is different from normal days. “I feel very interested to experience this special service, it will be a memorable memory when I come to Hoi An,” shared Mr. Titus, a British tourist (Photo: Ngo Linh).
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Mr. Le Hai (57 years old, a tourist boatman in Hoi An) said that due to the demand of visitors to the old town in the flood season, he and his son brought the boat to serve. “I row the boat from 8 am to 5 pm, mainly around the old town area to ensure safety. Every day I can earn from 600,000 VND to 1 million VND if I’m lucky,” said Mr. Hai (Photo: Ngo. Sacred).
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Nguyen Thi Loi and her husband (62 years old, a tourist boatman in Hoi An ancient town) take the boat out to pick up guests from 7 am to 5 pm then return, each passenger trip is about 200,000 VND, depending on the quantity, a day for the husband and wife she can take 3-6 trips. “Flood in Hoi An will recede in 2-3 days, a “flood season” usually has 6-7 times of water up, sometimes 10-12 times. When transporting passengers, I always remind them to bring full life jackets, just go. low water to ensure safety,” said Ms. Loi (Photo: Ngo Linh).
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Despite the flood, Hoi An ancient town still attracts a lot of tourists to visit (Photo: Ngo Linh).
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Besides taking a boat to visit the old town, many tourists choose a cafe with a view close to the flooded place to sip and enjoy the scenery (Photo: Ngo Linh).

Make millions every day by carrying tourists to visit the old town in flood season

Source: vinlove