Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 10$ flowers to take pictures of in autumn

Compass Travel Vietnam
Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 10$ flowers to take pictures of in autumn

Hanoi is at the most beautiful stage of the year, so it is no coincidence that people take advantage of the streets these days.

These days, you don’t need to live in Hanoi, but just surfing Facebook or TikTok is enough to know how the weather in the capital is pleasing to people. The golden sunshine, clear sky, light wind, and moderate temperature, … all make up a gentle, romantic autumn atmosphere of Hanoi, just going to the street is comfortable.

This is also the reason that many young people, especially office workers, choose to wander the streets, buy a bouquet of flowers and take a few photos to “heal” themselves after stressful working days.

“Hunting” the sunset in West Lake, the pressure disappears

After days of spinning with busy work, glued to the computer screen, the rare time to go out on the street, to let your mind relax is the happiness of many people.

Phuong Anh (SN 1997) said: “I work in the office for 8 hours a day, so I have almost no time to go out during the week. So no matter how busy the weekend is, I always spend one day. to wander around the streets and then sit around with coffee or go to the West Lake for a round. I go like that every week” .

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 1.

Phuong Anh and a very beautiful moment with the sunset of West Lake (Photo: @phuonganh.uni)

Regarding the cost, Phuong Anh said that this hobby is not very expensive because Hanoi has many photo spots for 0 dong but still extremely good. If you only charge for drinks, it costs about 50,000 VND to return for a weekend afternoon.

Khanh Huyen (SN 1998) has not had the opportunity to go out for a weekend for a long time. And luckily, she also “hunts” a pretty sunset at West Lake. “Walking around the city like this helps my mind to relax, relax and melt away fatigue. I’ve also gone to work, so I don’t care too much about the cost, I’ve determined that going out is comfortable, I don’t want to calculate the cost. more math” – Khanh Huyen added.

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 2.

Khanh Huyen (Photo: Khanh Huyen)

As noted at the hot autumn photography locations in Hanoi such as Phan Dinh Phung Street, West Lake, Sword Lake, etc., young people in general and office workers in particular often go in groups of 2 or more people, almost not Some people go out alone.

Therefore, the crowded scene is inevitable.

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 3.

A lot of people flock to take pictures in Phan Dinh Phung these days

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 4.
Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 5.

People usually go in groups of 2 or more people

Phuong Anh explained: “This season is beautiful, so everyone wants to go out and so do I, that’s normal. Moreover, it’s still very comfortable to look at it a little bit crowded . ” Khanh Huyen and Phuc Giang also share the same opinion.

“It’s a bit crowded and crowded, but I still feel quite comfortable. Actually, I still like the feeling of being in the flow of people like this” – Khanh Huyen added.

Van Anh (primary teacher) shared a bit uncomfortable because of the crowd: “After a long time, finally me and my new friend arranged to walk around the street and take pictures together. So I’m not happy. a bit when there are quite a few people in the frame, there is no parking space” .

And Thao (SN 2001, studying and working) disagrees with many people spilling onto the street to take pictures, causing traffic jams.

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 6.

Thao does not agree with the fact that some people flooded the street to take pictures

Accept to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take pictures

On occasions like this, many people are also willing to invest a sum of money dedicated to buying flowers to take beautiful photos. Therefore, the place that also makes office workers fall on the recent outing route is the flower shop on Truong Han Sieu street.

Flowers here are sold on the sidewalk but still commented that they are pretty, trendy, but the price is much “softer” than the shops, ranging from 150-300 thousand VND/bundle. Especially after this flower address was spread on TikTok, many people came here, not afraid to queue to buy flowers to shoot clips and take photos.

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 7.

Truong Han Sieu Street gathers many people to buy flowers

About spending money to buy flowers to go out, two friends Thu and Dung (24 years old, both office workers) shared: “We bought this bouquet of flowers for 150 thousand dong. Queuing time is about 10-15 minutes but very comfortable because the price is reasonable and the saleswoman enthusiastically advises”.

“Because work is quite busy, it’s been a long time since we had time to hang out like today. Normally, the main activities are going to coffee, watching movies, eating, … the cost is about approx. several hundred thousand” – the two added about going out for the weekend.

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 8.

The couple Thu and Dung with a flower bouquet of 150,000 VND

Thao Nguyen (doing business) had to wait about 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of flowers that cost 200,000 VND. But because the flowers are quite beautiful, the owner is comfortable, so she also feels it is worth it.

In addition to drinks as shared, Phuong Anh is also willing to spend from 50 to 150 thousand VND to buy flowers or nuggets. With a girl like that, it’s too good for a leisurely weekend.

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 9.

Phuong Anh’s flower money ranges from 50 to 150 thousand VND (Photo: @phuonganh.uni)

Right on Phan Dinh Phung street, a lot of flower carts and sidewalk flowers are sold. However, in the central location and in the photography season, the price of flowers here is slightly higher than usual and in the market.

And Phuc Giang (teacher) is also not afraid to spend to get satisfactory pictures: “The cost for each gentle outing like this will be about 200-300 thousand VND. Today I am also looking to buying a bouquet of flowers to take pretty pictures but haven’t bought it yet. Some people will think it’s a waste to buy a bunch of flowers to take a few pictures, but I think it’s normal. Because of art, it’s okay to invest a little. Most of all, I’m happy . “

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 10.

Phuc Giang

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 11.

People line up to buy flowers and take pictures on Phan Dinh Phung Street

The first time I came here to take pictures following the trend on TikTok, Hang Nga (SN 2001, a student at Hanoi National University, studying and working) was very happy and excited with the crowded and bustling atmosphere here. To invest for this outing, her friend bought a bouquet of 100,000 VND and found it completely worth it.

Similar to Hang Nga, two friends Ngan and Trang (4th year students of the Academy of Finance) also arranged to take pictures. Both of them chose a bouquet of 70,000 VND: “With this price, we feel normal because the two of us go out together, take pictures together and share money. Moreover, buying on the street like this is more expensive than in town. The market is right. “

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 12.


Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 13.
Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 14.

Ngan and Trang

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 15.
Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 200k flowers to take photos of healing with autumn - Photo 16.

Huyen and Phuong with a bouquet of 70,000 VND lotus flowers were “invested” by their mother


Between the modern pace of life and stressful work, each person has a different way of “healing”. Some people like to go out alone, find a quiet place to have their own space; some people go to see exhibitions, make crafts,…; And also many people choose to walk around the streets to take pictures. But either way, don’t forget to take time for yourself, everyone!

Some notes when going to “heal” these days:

– Recent popular places include Phan Dinh Phung Street – the most beautiful street in Hanoi, going to buy flowers on Truong Han Sieu Street following the trend on TikTok and “hunting” the sunset of West Lake.

– Phan Dinh Phung area will have locations where photography is not allowed, so please follow the instructions of the competent force.

– Hot places are often quite crowded, so protect your belongings.

– Do not spill onto the road to take photos to avoid causing traffic jams, ensuring the safety of both pedestrians and photographers.

Ready to queue for 30 minutes to buy a bouquet of 10$ flowers to take pictures of in autumn

Source: vinlove