Memorable motorbike trip to Ha Giang by 3 Hanoi mothers and children

Compass Travel Vietnam
Memorable motorbike trip to Ha Giang by 3 Hanoi mothers and children

5 days of backpacking in Ha Giang, Hang and her children had experiences such as bathing in waterfalls, crossing the “Four Great Peaks” and roaming in Tu San – which is known as the deepest canyon in the Southeast. ASIAN,…

Ms. Bui Hang (43 years old, in Hanoi) has a passion for travel. She and her family have explored most of the destinations throughout Vietnam. 

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Hang and two children – Huy (14 years old) and May (7 years old) (Photo: Hang Bui).

Before that, Hang’s two children, Huy (14 years old) and May (7 years old), were taken by their parents to travel everywhere from the age of 2. 

With long holidays like the Lunar New Year, siblings also take their children to cross Vietnam or travel abroad with grandparents on both sides. Ms. Hang said that most of the trips are based on experience and relaxation criteria. Her children have twice traveled across Vietnam by car, but not by motorbike.

At the end of July, Ms. Hang decided to plan a 5-day motorbike trip around Ha Giang with her two children. In addition, parents and children also have the support of 2 drivers, who are also touring guides who are knowledgeable about the terrain and local culture.

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Hang’s parents and children started their journey around Ha Giang with their first experience (Photo: Hang Bui).
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Tour guide cum companion of Ms. Hang and her children in 5 days of exploring Ha Giang (Photo: Hang Bui).

Hang humorously said, the person who needs to prepare the most psychologically for this journey is herself because this is a trip where she and her two children have to exceed their own limits when riding a motorbike for the first time and traveling hundreds of kilometers every day. day. 

This woman even prepared a situation for the tour guide in case the parents gave up on the 2nd day. Luckily, she and her children passed 5 days to discover Ha Giang spectacularly without any problems. physically and mentally “chipped”.

Hang and her two children ride a sleeper bus from My Dinh bus station at 9pm. After about 6 hours, the car was at the homestay Giang Son (Ha Giang City). This is a familiar resting place for backpackers. This homestay also rents motorbikes for visitors to conveniently move and experience Ha Giang.

From here, Hang’s parents and children began a 5-day journey to explore the top regions of the country by motorbike.

Day 1

The first day is 90km from Ha Giang to Du Gia. The whole family got up at 6am, prepared things carefully and loaded them into the car. The first time traveling by motorbike, again in the high mountains, Hang could not help but be overwhelmed by the curve here.

“The road of Ha Giang city – Thuan Hoa – Thai An – Thuong street has many turns, all right turns and left turns. On average, every 5-7 seconds, there is a bend, sometimes the sleeve turns uphill. towering, sometimes hunkering down into the abyss,” the mother of two recalled.

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Parents and children stopped to take pictures on the side of the road (Photo: Hang Bui).
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After four times with the “coach” accompanying her, Hang also “bravely” let her 7-year-old daughter climb the cliff by herself and jump down to bathe in the waterfall happily (Photo: Hang Bui).

In return for the winding, difficult roads, she and her children can admire the majestic mountains, hear the sound of the wind blowing, the sound of rushing waterfalls, … or feel the gentle rays of light passing through. ravine.

“During the whole journey, even for a blink of an eye, I felt sorry for fear of missing the picturesque beauty of nature here,” she added.

After coming to Du Gia homestay, parents and children take advantage of lunch, check in, rest and then go to the waterfall in the afternoon.

The whole family walked more than 1km from the property to the waterfall, following the road through the Hmong and Tay villages “tumbling up and downhill like tantalizing”.

Finally, parents and children also saw a large waterfall rushing down from above to form a natural swimming pool as clear as a mirror. Everyone, except Huy, jumped into the cool water, dispelling all the sun, heat and fatigue they had just experienced.

Little May is interested, swimming, diving, diving, shouting, dancing, having fun… all. In the midst of the noise of the tourists, the girl and the tour guide climbed up the 4m high cliff and then jumped “boom” down the falling waterfall.

Day 2

On the second day, Hang and her children conquered the 90km journey from Du Gia to Meo Vac. 

At Nam Lang alley – the second deepest abyss in Ha Giang, Ms. Hang stopped the car to rest. 

Along the way, when her daughter began to fall asleep on the motorbike, the 43-year-old mother had to brace herself to keep her child from falling. After a while, she noticed that her hands were starting to go numb, her back was tired and her legs hurt, so she pulled over to the side of the road to keep her daughter awake. 

Even parents and children can experience taking a shortcut, the width is only about 1m wide, there is no deep abyss, but if they fall, they will “break limbs, chipped head and forehead”.

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On the second day of discovering Meo Vac, Ms. Hang couldn’t help but fall in love with the beautiful scenery of the Tia Co Xi bamboo forest in Giang Chu Phin (Photo: Hang Bui).

After lunch at the homestay, Hang took the children again on the road, moving 5km to H’Mong Pa Vi village in Meo Vac. Here, parents and children rest in a room with an expansive view of the green cornfield and in the distance the starting point of Ma Pi Leng’s ascent.

In the evening, Ms. Hang and her children have time to hike about 3 km to the highest mountain of Lung Pu commune to hunt fireflies. The top of the mountain is high, the wind is strong and cold, so fireflies do not appear much. 

“The slope is high and the rocks are messy, so it feels like a thousand miles away. Not to mention the wait for nearly 2 hours, but only saw a few fireflies with the lighted border line between Vietnam and China.” Hang said.

In return for the regrets on the second day, Huy and May can admire the night space in the majestic high mountains.

“Back to the room at 9 pm, the mother and son looked at each other like strangers because they were tired and quickly fell asleep. That was fine for the second day, no friends from the mother’s face”, Mrs. Hang humorously said. remember.

Day 3

Hang and her children spent the third day roaming around in Tu San – a place known as “the first majestic landscape” with unique geological formations, with a cliff height of nearly 1,000 m and a length of nearly 2 km. This is also the deepest canyon in Southeast Asia.

Tu San Canyon is located at the foot of Ma Pi Leng Pass and at the foot of the cliff is the green Nho Que River winding around the cliffs.

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Nho Que River is seen from above (Photo: Hang Bui).

From the big road, Ms. Hang and the tour guide drove Huy and May to the motorbike parking spot after a narrow and steep road, one side is a high mountain, one side is a deep abyss, and there are no opportunities for Who corrects if the steering wheel is not stable.

From here, parents and children continue to walk hundreds of steps to get down to the marina and be compensated and dispel fatigue by experiencing SUP boating, and swimming on the Nho Que river. 

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Hang and her two children experience rowing SUP on Nho Que River (Photo: Hang Bui).

In the midst of a green natural setting, Hang and her children were treated to lunch by the tour guide on the cliff “with a view of millions of dollars” with many delicious dishes such as grilled goat, grilled chicken, cucumber and cantaloupe. Even realizing the lack of cold beer, she also ordered to ship by boat. 

At the end of the third day, she and her two children experienced massage and herbal bath, enjoying a relaxing moment before falling into a deep sleep.


The fourth day is the Dong Van – Quan Ba ​​leg of 120km long.

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On the fourth day in Ha Giang, Hang and her two children looked at the flagpole on Lung Cu peak at an altitude of 1,500 m (Photo: Hang Bui).

In the morning, Ms. Hang took her children through Dong Van old town, climbed the Lung Cu flagpole, and then stopped by to visit the village of the Lo Lo people with houses covered with yin and yang tiles.

Continuing to drive for about an hour, the mother and daughter arrived at the lunch spot at the 200-year-old ancient house of the Giay ethnic group in Ma Le.

In the afternoon, the whole family went to visit the Meo King’s palace in Sa Phin, stopped by the remaining buckwheat flower garden, then crossed the Tham Ma slope to Quan Ba, through the Sa Can Ty Pass.

Although tired, Hang is very proud because she and her children are also preparing to finish “on the track”, the next day.

Day 5

The 5-day journey to Ha Giang ends with a bus ride from Quan Ba ​​back to Ho Chi Minh City. Ha Giang, about 55km long.

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A rustic lunch helps parents and children regain energy on the last day in Tha village (Photo: Hang Bui).

Hang and her children still had time to add to the list of experiences in the top regions of the country by visiting the Dao village – where any house made of red earth is also beautiful and stopping by the slender Nam Dam suspension bridge. over two mountains.

“55km from Quan Ba ​​back to Ha Giang, there are not many special things to look forward to. But the last lunch with sour bamboo shoots and fish salad is irresistible”, said Ms. Hang. 

Sharing about the trip “of a lifetime” with her two children, Ms. Hang expressed that Ha Giang is too beautiful.

All things on the road blend together into a natural picture that makes anyone passing by must be overwhelmed. 

The mother-of-two was impressed with the Ha Giang – Du Gia and Meo Vac – Dong Van roads, where there is Ma Pi Leng pass and Nho Que river.

The feeling of jumping into the river to bathe in the river surrounded by steep cliffs, emerald green water and then sitting for lunch on the cliff overlooking the river gorge is likened to “no money can buy”.

“Ignoring the overwhelming awe of the beautiful scenery, the knowledge gained about the culture and people of a land, we and our children all realize that each of us can always overcome all “endurance thresholds”. own.

So when I talk to my children about my plan to travel to India for the upcoming Lunar New Year, they are all excited,” Hang said.

Photo: Internet

Memorable motorbike trip to Ha Giang by 3 Hanoi mothers and children

Source: vinlove