Remnants of artillery battle at Ham Rong bridge fire coordinates

Compass Travel Vietnam
Remnants of artillery battle at Ham Rong bridge fire coordinates

THANH HOA – The artillery site on the high point of C4, which was heavily bombarded during the war against the US, is a famous historical destination and a relaxing place for people.

Hill C4 belongs to the Dragon mountain range (Ham Rong ward, Thanh Hoa city today) about 500 m from the bank of Ma river – where Ham Rong bridge is located. In the years of the war against the US, C4 was the high point where the enemy bombarded most fiercely and also witnessed the tenacious clashes as well as the sacrifices of our troops and people.

The anti-aircraft artillery battlefield on C4 hill was formed on May 31, 1965 with the main force being Company 4 of Regiment 228, Air Defense Service. This was the main force during the first anti-war era of the American Empire at “Ham Rong fire coordinates”.

On an area of ​​about 120,000 m2, the army arranged a artillery battleground including a command bunker in the central area, two artillery platoons B1, B2, 6 batteries, a club bunker and two ammunition magazines.

On the roof of the command tunnel, there are two positions less than one square meter wide and 1.2 meters deep for the deputy company commander, deputy political officer and weapons.

At the observation radar station (located on hill C5 not far away), the company captain and the chief political officer, when they saw enemy planes flying into sight, ordered the command bunker to raise the flag so that the batteries would aim in the right direction. the enemy to shoot.

Around the command, bunker is the bunker, which is also the main battle position of 6 artillery batteries numbered from 1 to 6. Battalions 1-3 are located in the east, the remaining three batteries are in the west. The former bunker was filled mainly with clay and reinforced with tree trunks or shells. Each blockhouse has a diameter of about 8 m, a depth of nearly 1.5 m.

In the heart of each blockhouse, there will be two small A-shaped tunnels, each one just enough for about two people to get inside. The A-shaped bunker has a function for the soldiers to hide when the enemy bombs.

In 2013, the bunkers on the old C4 anti-aircraft artillery battlefield were restored by the local government to simulate the memories of the soldiers who fought here. Old materials are replaced with concrete, wood imitation paint and brown earth color.

The battle of C4 hill became the horror of American pilots during 9 years of bombardment of Ham Rong, but also witnessed many sacrifices of our troops.

Battle position of Battery 4 – also called “death battery”. According to historical documents, the battle with the US Air Force on September 3, 1967, the whole battery of 11 soldiers died heroically.

During the years of steadfastly holding on to Ham Rong’s army and people to protect the target, the 4th Company fought more than 400 battles, contributing to shooting down 117 modern jet aircraft, of which two B52s and one non-aircraft aircraft. driver.

Right next to the position of the 4th Battalion fighting in the past, there are large bomb craters, remnants of enemy bombs pouring down this hill.

Not far from the command bunker, to the west is the club cellar used as a place for soldiers to rest and live after battles.

The cellar is about 30 m2 wide, with two narrow entrances and exits, inside are tables and chairs and some necessary items are arranged neatly and cleanly.

On April 4, 1975, Company 4 left the C4 peak to march into Nha Trang to protect the liberated area, officially completing the historic mission of protecting Ham Rong bridge. In 1969, Company 4 was the first unit of Regiment 228 to be awarded the Hero of the People’s Armed Forces by the State.

Hill C4 was ranked as a national historical relic in 1975. Two new large steles were erected to record historical vestiges and a list of 20 martyrs who heroically fell on the battlefield of hill C4.

Because the top of hill C4 is not too high, local people often walk or cycle up here every day for sightseeing and exercise. Around the old artillery battleground is now covered with a green color with pine forests and other large woody plants.

According to a representative of the Ham Rong Cultural and Historical Relic Management Board, every year, along with the neighboring relics such as Ham Rong bridge, Long Quang cave, power plant, Dong Son ancient village… cannon battlefield on C4 hill welcome thousands of tourists and locals to visit and learn about history.

Ham Rong Bridge today.

Remnants of artillery battle at Ham Rong bridge fire coordinates

Source: vinlove