The boy “makes money” thanks to the dollar tree planted on difficult land

Compass Travel Vietnam
The boy “makes money” thanks to the dollar tree planted on difficult land

Mr. Le Van Thin started his business from scratch in a difficult area in Kon Thup commune, Mang Yang district, Gia Lai. After many failed attempts, he found a special tree with an income of tens of millions of VND per month.

In 2010, Mr. Le Van Thin (34 years old, from Kon Thup commune) entered the Central Highlands with empty hands. Because of economic difficulties, he went to a remote commune to work as a motorbike mechanic.

When he had some capital in hand, Mr. Thin boldly bought a hectare of land to fulfill his dream of building his own agricultural farm. It was difficult because he did not have much knowledge and experience in agricultural cultivation, so hundreds of his pepper roots died of disease. 

Not giving up, Mr. Thin continued to replant pepper and intercropped with short-term crops to increase his income. Overcoming difficulties, Mr. Thin gradually acquired more than 3 hectares of agricultural land with 3,000 pepper posts and fruit trees.

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From empty hands, the barefoot farmer tried many models for economic development on difficult land.

However, Mr. Thin always cherishes finding a special tree to grow in order to avoid the tragedy of “good season, devaluation” and bring high profit. After many searches in the western provinces and Da Lat, he chose for himself a dollar tree to plant on the red basalt land of Gia Lai.

In 2021, Mr. Thin boldly bought 1,200 dollar seedlings from Da Lat to plant. After more than 5 months, the dollar tree has grown well and gave a harvest.

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In addition to growing pepper, Mr. Thin also redirects to grow more dollar trees to serve ornamental flower gardens in the Central Highlands.

“The dollar tree is grown by people to get branches and leaves to sell to flower and ornamental plant dealers . I saw that this tree grows fast, has few pests and diseases, and has a lot of output in the Central Highlands, so I invested boldly. , develop,” said Mr. Thin.

After nearly half a year of planting, Mr. Thin went around the large and small flower shops in Gia Lai and Binh Dinh provinces to find an outlet for the dollar tree. Because of the low price and close transportation, many flower shops and shops have ordered regularly from Mr. Thin’s garden.

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The newly planted model has achieved good news when every month he cuts and sells branches, earning tens of millions of dong.

Currently, dollar branches are collected and imported by Mr. Thin for agents and businesses dealing in fresh flowers in Gia Lai and Binh Dinh for about 150,000 VND(5$)/kg. With more than 1,200 dollar trees, he can cut about 30kg of leaves every day and earn millions of dong. On holidays and New Year, Mr. Thin collects hundreds of kilograms of dollar leaves to supply to the markets of the provinces.

According to Mr. Thin, the dollar tree is easy to grow and easy to care for, and the market price is also quite stable and brings a regular source of income for families. On average, 2 Sao of land for planting dollar trees will bring an average income of more than 200 million VND/year, much higher than the value of coffee. At the same time, the care, labor and fertilizer costs are also much lower.

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For the people of the Central Highlands, the dollar tree is still quite new, so many people are still afraid to develop it.

“After planting for about 5 months, the tree branched, it was necessary to cut off the buds for the dollar tree to grow. When the branches were old and hard, they could be harvested. I found this tree smelly, so I am sending it to the kilns to evaluate its effectiveness. when producing essential oils”, Mr. Thin confided.

In the face of abundant output, Mr. Thin and his relatives in Kon Thuc commune are expanding the model for intercropping. At the same time, Mr. Thin is also tinkering to make dollar tree essential oil, thereby helping to increase income for people in the region at the present time bordering the grain.

The dollar tree, Pulverulenta baby blue, belongs to the eucalyptus family (Eucalyptus), native to Tasmania, Australia. The plant has a mild scent, and the rounded foliage is light when young, and green when mature. People often use this tree to plug and decorate fresh flowers because the leaves are beautiful, durable, and fragrant.

The boy “makes money” thanks to the dollar tree planted on difficult land

Source: vinlove