“Breaking into” tangerine orchards earns 50 times more than growing rice

Compass Travel Vietnam
“Breaking into” tangerine orchards earns 50 times more than growing rice

Pink tangerine is a specialty fruit of Dong Thap province and is concentrated in the Lai Vung district. According to many tangerine farmers, the income from this crop is 50 times higher than that of rice.

Breaking into the persimmon garden has 50 times more income than rice - 1

Tangerine is a specialty fruit of Dong Thap province. This plant has been grown for a long time in the Lai Vung district. Many elderly people do not remember what year the mandarin tree was planted, only knowing that it has existed for 3 generations.

Breaking into persimmon orchards earns 50 times more than rice - 2

It takes about 3-4 years for a mandarin tree to bear fruit. The life cycle of a tangerine tree can last up to 10 years. On average, a mandarin tree can harvest 200-300 fruits; For the wrong trees, farmers have to use trees to support and can harvest over 500kg of tangerines/tree.

Breaking into a persimmon garden has 50 times more income than rice - 3

Before 2018, the area of ​​​​persimmon growing in the Lai Vung district was over 700 hectares, especially in the golden age, the area was over 1000 hectares, and the output was tens of thousands of tons. However, due to farming habits, farmers use a lot of chemical fertilizers and pay little attention to soil care, so in the years 2018 to 2021, tangerine trees suffer from root rot, and yellow leaves and lead to tree death. According to the statistics of the functional sector, the area of ​​tangerine trees has died more than 70%, currently only about 200ha.

Breaking into persimmon orchards earns 50 times more than rice - 4

Farmer Nguyen Van Day (Long Hau commune, Lai Vung district) with many years of working with tangerine trees said that when the tangerine tree died of disease, many farmers’ families fell into difficulties because they lost their source of income. main. But then, the local government, in collaboration with scientists, “caught” the right disease and put in place a process for farmers to restore tangerine orchards. Between 2018 and 2020, the scientists helped farmers stop the disease, after which the plants began to grow again. In 2021, in 2022, the tree begins to bear fruit, although the yield has not yet reached 100% as in previous years.

Breaking into persimmon orchards earns 50 times more than rice - 5

Farmer Tran Van Danh (Tan Thanh commune) said that there is no crop that brings high economic efficiency like pink tangerine. Because, a worker (1,000m2), can harvest 5-7 tons of fruit, after deducting all costs, farmers pocket about 100 million. Meanwhile, a rice farmer earns about 2 million VND. Therefore, many farmers do not abandon their mandarin orange trees despite experiencing a damaging epidemic.($1=25,000 VND)

Breaking into the persimmon garden has 50 times more income than rice - 6

According to many tangerine farmers in the Lai Vung district, currently, because the persimmon orchards “have just recovered from the illness”, the yield is only 2-4 tons/1,000m2, but in return for the high selling price, fluctuating from 45,000 -70,000 VND/kg, so people growing tangerines are excited.

Breaking into persimmon orchards earns 50 times more than rice - 7

Pink tangerines are only harvested once a year, the time to harvest tangerines falls on the traditional Tet holiday. From the 23rd of the lunar calendar, farmers begin to harvest tangerines and last until the 28th of Tet. Pink tangerines are carried by traders everywhere, but mainly in Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, ..

Breaking into the persimmon garden has 50 times more income than rice - 8

Currently, the pink tangerine gardens are beginning to color, but in about 14 days, the tangerine will be fully ripe. At that time, the tangerine has a beautiful, shiny yellow color. Therefore, this fruit is loved by many people, bought for Tet holiday.

Breaking into the persimmon garden has 50 times more income than rice - 9

Recently, farmers grow tangerines in combination with tourism. When the tangerine begins to turn yellow, the points open and sell tickets to welcome visitors in. Adult tickets are $2, children 2 tickets are charged for one ticket. When visitors enter the garden to visit, they will be served drinking water, the owner of the garden will lead you to pick tangerines and enjoy country dishes at the garden.

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Currently, from pink tangerines, farmers can do more tourism, and process many dishes and drinks, contributing to a significant increase in income. Like farmer Tran Van Danh’s family, from December 15 to the traditional New Year, his family receives an average of 1,200-2,000 visitors per day. To serve this number of customers, he had to hire 10 more workers.

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In order to honor, introduce and promote the image of mandarin oranges to consumers, in the coming time, the People’s Committee of Lai Vung district will organize the 1st Lai Vung district pink tangerine festival – 2023. The festival will take place from January 5. until January 8, 2023. This is an opportunity for tourists to visit and enjoy the specialty fruits of Dong Thap province.

According (Dan Tri)

Photo: Internet (vinlove.net)

“Breaking into” tangerine orchards earns 50 times more than growing rice

Source: vinlove