Explore Song Ma Son La district, find new land in the Northwest

Compass Travel Vietnam
Explore Song Ma Son La district, find new land in the Northwest

Exploring Song Ma Son La district gives visitors many new and interesting experiences in a strange land – where the highlands border the country Laos. 

Where is Song Ma district?

Having the opportunity to explore Song Ma Son La district, visitors will be able to open their eyes to the beautiful and new land of Son La province. In addition to a familiar Moc Chau, this province really has many interesting places worth a visit. And Song Ma district is a typical example. 

Explore Ma Son La River district - remote border highland districtSong Ma district is about 110 km from the center of Son La city. Photo: @vang.a.tuan

From Son La city to here about 110 km, visitors following the 4G national highway can reach this destination. Depending on the schedule, you can choose to ride a motorbike for convenience or choose a car for comfort. However, if you are a backpacker, motorbike is always the first choice. 

Explore Ma Son La River district - a beautiful and peaceful landMa River is a new destination in Son La. Photo: @thithananh

Ma River is home to many ethnic minorities. In which, the Thai ethnic group accounts for more than 60%, in addition, there are the Mong, the Kinh and some other ethnic groups. All create a diversity in indigenous culture and local traditions, attracting tourists from all over the world to visit and learn. 

Discover Song Ma Son La district - the residence of ethnic minoritiesThe journey to Ma River takes visitors through beautiful roads. Photo: @trunganh091996

Compared to other destinations in Son La , Song Ma is still a new coordinate. This land has Ma river flowing horizontally with strongly dissected terrain along the northwest direction. In addition to mountains, this place also has rivers, streams, valleys creating a very beautiful and impressive natural scenery. 

Explore Ma Son La River district - the land with the Ma river flowing throughThe majestic Ma River once appeared in the poem Tay Tien. Photo: @taptytoe

The topography in Song Ma district has elevations from 300 meters to 1800 meters. It is the high and steep natural terrain that makes this land difficult to build infrastructure. However, today Song Ma district has gradually “changed flesh”. Therefore, more and more tourists choose to explore Song Ma Son La district . 

Explore Song Ma Son La district to play? 

When visiting Song Ma district for the first time, visitors will immediately be impressed with the beautiful scenery and climate of this place. The average temperature here is about 22.6°C, from April to July it is hot, from December to 2 years later it is cold. Meanwhile, June – August is the rainy season. Therefore, if you travel to Son La and want to come here to play, choose the right time.

The journey to discover Song Ma Son La district opens up many interesting thingsVisitors have the opportunity to roam the beautiful streets of Ma River. Photo: @trau_vang

In the journey to discover Song Ma Son La district, visitors will have many memorable experiences. In front of your eyes, vast mountains and hills appear with the same message with green colors from dark to light. The green of the forest, the green of the hills, of the beautiful grasslands are right in front of you.

Explore Ma Son La River district to see how beautiful this land isA stretch of road goes straight to the beautiful Ma River bank. Photo: @theamazinghaianh

Because the district has a large area and has many communes, visitors should go by motorbike to roam all over the roads. Each place you go through will be a different scene, a village, a hill, a rice field. All blend to create a Song Ma district that is completely different from Moc Chau district or Van Ho district.

Explore Ma Son La River district, embracing the beautiful natural sceneryAll sides are beautiful cool green colors. Photo: @duc_tho_official

The deeper you go into the rural communes, the more beautiful the scenery becomes, more realistic, more beautiful and closer. How beautiful it is to drive on a country road, with ripe rice fields on both sides, green mountains in the distance, and the peaceful little houses of ethnic minorities on the side of the road.

Explore Ma Son La River district, find yourself a sense of peaceThis land is peaceful and quieter than Moc Chau. Photo: @ngduykhanh995

Here, indigenous people take advantage of the low hills to cultivate and grow more crops to improve their quality of life. Therefore, wherever you go, visitors will also encounter an idyllic village scene. The pace of life of the people here is much slower and more leisurely. Everything is quieter, more peaceful than other localities that have developed tourism.

If you have the opportunity, you should once explore Song Ma Son La districtSong Ma Son La district with interesting things is waiting for visitors to discover. Photo: @hieudinhminh2017

Currently, there are not many reviews about this land on travel forums. Therefore, if you are the pioneers to discover Song Ma Son La district, please take many pictures and share your journey to help promote tourism in the district. Passing by a place with beautiful scenery, don’t be afraid to stop to take a few photos to check in as a souvenir. 

Experience in discovering Song Ma Son La district  

When exploring Song Ma Son La district, visitors should probably only spend 1 day running around the district. This place does not have tourist areas, community villages or famous entertainment and entertainment destinations. Therefore, Song Ma is more suitable for backpacking than relaxing or finding a virtual living place.

Explore Ma Son La River district to see how special Vietnam isAlong the way to the Ma River, you will encounter an idyllic lifestyle of the highland people. Photo: @namkhanhtran

If you want to stay here, you should move to the district center to find motels. In addition, the central area will also have more restaurants for you to eat, drink and buy necessary furniture. With electronics such as phones, cameras, … you should prepare a full backup battery to avoid affecting your journey. 

Exploring Ma Son La River district, you can combine to visit nearby Sop CopSong Ma district is located near Sop Cop district – also a beautiful land of Son La. Photo: @nghiembinhan

Song Ma district is located near Sop Cop district – the land with many other interesting things of the province. So you can combine to explore both districts at the same time to make your Son La travel journey more complete. In addition, if you have time, you should remember to go to Chieng Khuong international border gate, located about 30 km from the center of Song Ma town. 

If you have the opportunity, remember to explore Song Ma Son La districtVisitors can combine check-in at Chieng Khuong border gate in Song Ma district. Photo: @luunhungoc92

Exploring Song Ma Son La district must be an interesting experience for visitors because this land is still quite new and unfamiliar to many people. However, it is precisely because of that novelty that more tourists need to come here to explore and contribute to spreading the beauty of the district to more tourists, including domestic and foreign. 

Photo: Instagram

Explore Song Ma Son La district, find new land in the Northwest

Source: vinlove