Flower market on the 28th of Tet is crowded with people

Compass Travel Vietnam
Flower market on the 28th of Tet is crowded with people

HANOI – near Tet, Quang Ba flower market, the largest in the capital, becomes bustling, and midnight is still crowded with buyers.

At 23:00 on the 28th of Tet, Tay Ho – Quang Ba flower market is busy with buyers and sellers. Going to this night flower market has become a unique culture of Hanoians every spring.

On weekdays, the market sells from 3 am to noon, but during Tet, it operates through the night.

Quang Ba is famous as a wholesale market supplying fresh flowers to Hanoi and is one of the largest flower markets in the capital. Here, there are hundreds of flowers delivered from neighboring flower villages such as Tay Tuu, Dong Anh, Gia Lam…, buyers can easily choose.

Dahlia flowers, gladiolus prices 500,000-700,000 VND a bunch, are continuously imported by shop owners because they attract players. These are indispensable flowers for many families on the traditional Tet holiday.($1=24,000 VND)

Willow flowers cost 80,000-100,000 VND a bunch. With a reasonable price, flowers can play for a long time, this is the type that many people choose to buy to play Tet.

Inside the market, people crowded together to choose their favorite flower bouquets.

In addition to familiar flowers such as peaches, roses, lilies, chrysanthemums, coins …, the market also has imported types such as snow apricot flowers, yellow peaches, willow bars, irises, bird’s nests, tulips, fairy orchids…

Nhat Quang’s group of friends in Ha Dong went to the night market to buy flowers for Tet. “It’s far from home, it’s cold, but every year on New Year’s Day, we come here because this market has many kinds of fresh flowers to choose from,” Quang shared.

Chrysanthemum flowers each bunch of 50 flowers cost 400,000 VND. Ms. Le Thi Huong (store owner) said that at the time of Tet, she and small traders had to stay awake to import goods and sell them right from the evening because of the high demand. “Although it is more difficult, it brings good income these days,” she said.

In the morning, flowers continue to be imported to the market. Gladiolus flowers were transported by Mr. Hung from Bac Giang and sold for 600,000 VND for a bunch of 50 flowers.

The police force and local people are on duty to help people carry flowers to the stalls as well as ensure smooth traffic in front of the market.

 ( According to vnexpress )

Flower market on the 28th of Tet is crowded with people

Source: vinlove