Young people eagerly “hunt” the place where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital

Compass Travel Vietnam
Young people eagerly “hunt” the place where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital

In February, the season of flowers comes to Hanoi, making young people eager to hunt for check-in places with rows of trees showing off white flowers.

In the early days of spring, the whole country of Vietnam was filled with blooming flowers that made passionate legs move. If Da Lat is brilliant with cherry apricot trees, Ha Giang is full of peach and stone colors, Ho Chi Minh City is full of poetic when pink lilies bloom, Hanoi in the last days of February is beautiful and gentle with the pure white color of the season. flowers come to visit.

Each season, Hanoi has its own unique beauty. At the beginning of the new year, when the weather is still mixed with cold wind and a little bit of sunshine, the rows of white trees bloom and create a breaking point in the heart of the capital.

Along the streets of Hanoi, it is not difficult to see the flowers blooming. As every year, the coordinates that are sought by young people, check-in in the second most beautiful season in the capital must include the rows of succulent trees in Uncle Ho’s Mausoleum or the sporadic larch trees on Hoang Hoa Tham and Thanh Nien streets. However, this year, the rows of trees in full bloom at the Trung Tu diplomatic corps made the virtual living association stand still.

Young people eagerly hunted for places where the flowers bloomed early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 1.
Young people are eager to hunt for places where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 2.
Young people eagerly hunted for places where the flowers bloomed early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 3.
Young people are eager to hunt for places where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 4.

Sua is a woody plant (belonging to the legume family). Normally, people pay little attention to this plant, because it often mixes with many other leafy trees. But when the flower blooms, it brings impressive beauty. Sua flowers do not bloom sporadically, but each time they bloom, they will grow in clusters that cover the whole tree, dotted with the delicate green of young leaves. The petals are pure white, thin and easy to fall off when the wind blows.

Usually, it is not until early March that people can admire the blooming season. But this year, perhaps due to the erratic weather and warm sunshine after cold days, the flowers bloom earlier than usual.

Young people eagerly hunted for places where the flowers bloomed early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 5.
Young people are eager to hunt for places where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 6.
Young people eagerly hunted for places where the flowers bloomed early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 7.

Many people often mistakenly think of succulent flowers and milk flowers, because the names are similar to each other. If surfing quickly on social networking sites, many people are afraid of this flower. In fact, these two flowers have relatively similar colors, but milk flowers have a very specific strong scent, often spreading very clearly in the autumn of Hanoi. While jasmine flowers have no smell or very mild or no smell. Just because of its pure white color, this flower attracts all eyes, also known by its very flowery name: Tropical Snow.

Young people are eager to hunt for places where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 8.
Young people are eager to hunt for places where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 9.
Young people are eager to hunt for places where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 10.

In Hanoi, there are many streets planted with sua trees such as Phan Chu Trinh, Phan Dinh Phung, Thanh Nien street, around Giang Vo lake… and the most special coordinates for young people in recent days must be mentioned sua flower shops in Hanoi. Trung Tu Diplomatic Corps on Dang Van Ngu street. Many young people have invited each other to come here to see the flowers, and save beautiful photos and clips of the first flowers of the season.

Just a glance, accidentally caught on the right day of blooming and the moment the petals fell, the feeling was suddenly extremely fluttering. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of life in the capital, Hanoi’s succulent blossom season turns white, making everything peaceful and strangely light.

Young people eagerly hunt for places where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 11.
Young people eagerly hunted for places where the flowers bloomed early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 12.
Young people eagerly hunted for places where the flowers bloomed early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 13.
Young people are eager to hunt for places where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital - Photo 14.

Sua flowers have become a “specialty” of Hanoi’s spring. But flowers bloom quickly and fall very quickly, the weekend comes and then take advantage of each other to enjoy the exclusive season of Hanoi, together keeping beautiful moments in the season of pure white flowers that move people’s hearts.

Photo: Internet (

Young people eagerly “hunt” the place where the flowers bloom early, showing off their pure white color in the heart of the capital

Source: vinlove