The place to hunt rattan “student prices” right in Hanoi is not known to everyone

Compass Travel Vietnam
The place to hunt rattan “student prices” right in Hanoi is not known to everyone

Discover a place to hunt rattan right in Hanoi with the cost of only 2 cups of milk tea.

Referring to the cloud hunting paradise, people often mention famous places such as Ta Xua, Lao Than or Bach Moc Luong Tu. Few people know that even in Hanoi, there is a place where you can hunt the sea of ​​​​clouds at a very low cost.

The place to hunt for rattan “student prices” right in Hanoi is not known to everyone

Surely to everyone, Ba Vi National Park is no longer a strange place. Ba Vi National Park is located only about 60km from the center of Hanoi. This is one of the favorite places that young people choose as a place to have fun and relax on weekends or holidays.

Here, people often organize collective activities such as camping in the middle of the pine forest, checking in with the cactus house, in the blooming season of wild sunflowers, they will have the opportunity to get lost in the flower forest.

Few people know, even in Ba Vi National Park, we can also have the opportunity to successfully hunt rattan without having to work hard to move up to Lao Cai, Yen Bai, Son La.

Accordingly, Tuan Viet’s sharing on the Check in Vietnam group about the journey of accidentally hunting the sea of ​​clouds in Ba Vi National Park has attracted a lot of attention from the online community.

The young man said, after a day of exploring Ba Vi National Park, around 4 pm after visiting Uncle Ho’s temple at the highest peak of King, Tuan Viet and his friends moved from the top of the mountain to come across a sea of ​​clouds. floating in the sun. The scene was so beautiful that it made anyone who saw it marvel. It turns out that without spending a lot of money and traveling hard, we can still hunt the sea of ​​clouds between Hanoi.

The sight of each wave of clouds rolling around makes people feel like they are lost in a fairyland. Photo: Tuan Viet.

Tuan Viet said that the total cost for his one-day outing on the weekend only costs about 150,000 VND, including entrance ticket 60,000 VND/person (if you have a student card, it only costs 20,000 VND/person), ticket Taking pictures with the cactus garden is 10,000 VND/person, the rest is for petrol and lunch.($1=24,000 VND)

The guy said, with the “student price”, this is really a worthy experience, encouraging students if they don’t know where to go, Ba Vi National Park is an ideal choice.

Besides hunting clouds, what else does Ba Vi National Park have?

The best time to explore Ba Vi National Park is from about April to November every year. You can move here by bus, car or motorbike because the road is very easy to go.

Besides the familiar activities such as taking pictures with the cactus garden, camping in the middle of the pine forest, you can explore the moss-covered ancient church full of mysterious beauty. Dressed in a wild, ancient French church located in the middle of a lonely forest, it attracts the curiosity of many young people. The work has architecture from the French period, although it has been ravaged by time, its ancient beauty still makes people come to discover it.

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The old church in Ba Vi National Park is said to be an ideal place to take super “deep” photos. Photo: Collect.

In addition, young people can also come to admire the cool green streams and waterfalls in Suoi Nga area. This is said to be one of the most popular tourist attractions.

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Thien Son Suoi Nga is a place to avoid extreme heat and chill in the summer that is loved by young people. Photo: Baby sheep.

If you still don’t know where to go with your family and friends at the weekend to have fun and experience, you can refer to the places just mentioned in Ba Vi National Park. Note that you should depart a little early, around 7-8 am from the center of Hanoi to Ba Vi, so you will have time to experience all the interesting places mentioned above.

The place to hunt rattan “student prices” right in Hanoi is not known to everyone

Source: vinlove