Not only is the “Kingdom of fish” of the West, Chau Doc market (An Giang) is also a culinary paradise with many delicious dishes and in a unique mini style.

Compass Travel Vietnam
Not only is the “Kingdom of fish” of the West, Chau Doc market (An Giang) is also a culinary paradise with many delicious dishes and in a unique mini style.

Not only is the “Kingdom of fish” of the West, Chau Doc market (An Giang) is also a culinary paradise with many delicious dishes and in a unique mini style.

    An Giang is no longer a strange name on the check-in map of tourist followers. In addition to a series of impressive natural landscapes and virtual places that “cause storms” on social networks, this place also owns a unique culinary paradise which is Chau Doc Market.

    Not only young people but many famous people also want to visit this market. (Photo: @littlebunnie17)

    Only about 2km from the center, Chau Doc market is located on Bach Dang street, Chau Doc city, An Giang province. Coming to this market, visitors can enjoy the bustling and bustling atmosphere, and especially this place will make you feel like you are lost in a dining paradise.

    Photo: @Ky Anh 

    Not only known for fish sauce, the market is also famous for attractive An Giang specialties such as vermicelli, vermicelli soup, dried noodles and specialty cakes and drinks of the Bay Nui An Giang region. In particular, this market also has many extremely unique “mini” versions of dishes that make everyone interested and curious about their taste.

    Banh tet

    Banh Tet does not seem too strange to Vietnamese people, especially during the Lunar New Year. But at Chau Doc market, banh tet is sold even on weekdays, more specifically, the shape of the cake is also uniquely created into a novel mini version.

    Tiny Tet cakes with the size of 4 fingers, tied in bunches, outside are also carefully wrapped like ordinary Tet cakes.

    Photo: @muoitoday, @Ngtruongphingoc

    The main ingredient of the cake is sticky rice, which is sticky and fragrant. Because the cake is too small, the person who cooks the cake cannot make the filling like the usual banh tet. The cake is so tiny that it only has sticky rice on the outside, inside with a banana or green bean filling. Customers who come to buy at least are a bunch of girls with the price of 15,000 – 17,000 VND.($1=24,000 VND)

    Photo: @muoitoday, @Ngtruongphingoc 

    According to the comments of many users, the cake has a salty and fatty taste, but many people still like to buy it because “they look so lovely”. This mini version is perfect for instant food or deep-frying.

    Sweet butter bread

    In addition to the giant bread in An Giang caused a storm on social networks for a while. At Chau Doc market, An Giang also has small “mini” versions of bread that attract the attention of anyone when they see it for the first time. 

    Photo: @anvatbencat 

    The bread is only as long as a knuckle, an adult hand can fit about 3-5 pieces. At the market, usually a bag of 10 pieces will be sold for about 15,000 VND. The bread is not too crispy but mostly soft, blended with the fragrant butter and the outer layer of sugar.

    Photo: @anvatbencat, @lenkycungkhoa, @muoitoday

    True to the taste of childhood buttermilk bread, the cake is not too sweet, but if you eat a lot, it will be easy to choke because the cake is a bit dry. A taste that is both strange and familiar is very rare in today’s bakeries. Therefore, this mini version of sweet butter bread is definitely one of the dishes that tourists should try when visiting Chau Doc Market.

    Jaggery beef cake

    Referring to the cuisine of the Seven Mountains, the name jaggery beef cake is indispensable in the food map. This is a typical specialty in An Giang and you can only enjoy this cake properly here.

    Photo: @lenkycungkhoa 

    In Chau Doc market, An Giang, visitors can easily find this specialty cake. Usually each cake mold is as big as a large plate, about 3cm thick, but besides that, there is also the presence of a “tiny” version of beef cake. The small cakes are round and round, when eating the sponge cake, there is a sweet and fatty taste of sugar, coconut, mixed with the characteristic aroma of jaggery that rushes to the nose, unmistakable.

    Photo: @Ky Anh, @littlebunnie17

    Jaggery beef cake offers a special flavor and color that you can hardly find in traditional beef cakes. For local people, this type of beef cake is a snack food that fully meets the criteria of delicious, nutritious and cheap with only about 1,500 VND / piece. As for the first time foodies visiting the land of Seven Mountains, this is the top specialty that everyone buys as a gift.

    Coins cake

    In this day and age, banh xeo or banh mi is no longer so popular in afternoon snacks, especially in big cities. Normally, we can only easily see this banh xeo on the occasion of weddings and weddings.

    However, at Chau Doc and An Giang markets, banh xeo are sold throughout the stalls with green eyes. As a snack to play and sip every day. Like the above cakes, banh xeo sold at Chau Doc market also has a unique mini version.

    Photo: @Thanhphong, @diadiemanuong

    The cake tray is made from Huyen powder, a specialty powder found only in An Giang, and nowhere else. It seems that the size of the cake is only smaller, but overall it is not much different from the big size. Pineapple green skin with yellow filling of green beans.

    Enjoying the cake, we can see the toughness of the filter powder, because it is crispy and sweet. Indeed, we both admire the skillful hands of the baker while maintaining the unique and delicious taste of traditional banh xeo.

    Photo: @dulichmientay 

    As a famous tourist destination, but coming to Chau Doc market, visitors can rest assured with “cheap” food costs. However, it is also necessary to check the quality of the cakes in advance because most cakes can only be kept for 2-3 days. Before buying, you can smell it or ask the seller to taste it.

    The people here are very friendly, enthusiastic visitors can also ask the price freely without having to worry. In particular, Chau Doc market has many delicious dishes for you to open your eyes about the unique cuisine of this Seven Mountains.

    Photo: Internet (

    Not only is the “Kingdom of fish” of the West, Chau Doc market (An Giang) is also a culinary paradise with many delicious dishes and in a unique mini style.

    Source: vinlove