Three farmers earn billions, each planting a “super” fruit tree

Compass Travel Vietnam
Three farmers earn billions, each planting a “super” fruit tree

Thanks to planting fruit trees, including durian, passion fruit, and longan and actively applying scientific and technical advances to production, many farming households in Gia Lai province have changed their lives and become billionaires.

Change your life

Like many other farmers in the province, Mr. Dinh Duc Toan (Ku Ton village, Ia Pech commune, Ia Grai district, Gia Lai) used to suffer when pepper plants died of diseases.

After a valuable lesson, his family has learned a lot to cultivate sustainable agriculture. Mr. Toan said: “In 2017, the entire pepper area of ​​the family was infected and died in large numbers. The main source of income was no longer, family life faced many difficulties. In order to revive the economy, in addition to focus on replanting 2 hectares of coffee, I plant more passion fruit to take short to raise long”.

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With more than 6 hectares of passion fruit, this year, Dinh Duc Toan’s family (Ku Ton village, Ia Pech commune, Ia Grai district, Gia Lai province) earned over 3 billion VND (photo: Quang Tan).

When he first switched to growing passion fruit, Toan also faced difficulties because he did not understand the technical process and attributes of the plant. However, thanks to diligently learning from experience and actively applying science and technology to planting and taking care of, his passion fruit garden is getting greener and greener, yielding higher through each crop.

Accordingly, in addition to applying advanced water-saving irrigation technology combined with fertilizing, he also focuses on managing pests and diseases with biological pesticides as well as prioritizing the use of organic fertilizers to keep the crop stable. garden.

As a result, this year, more than 6 hectares of passion fruit have been harvested in two batches, with the selling price ranging from 14-22 thousand VND/kg, his family earned over 3 billion VND. ($1=24,000 VND)

“Each passion fruit crop is about 4 times harvested on average. With the current selling price, I make a profit of 500-600 million dong/ha, 3-4 times higher than coffee. Profit from passion fruit is not Losing any crop other than durian. If nothing changes, next year, I will continue to plant about 6 hectares of passion fruit “- Mr. Toan said excitedly.

According to Mr. Toan, with the support of local authorities, he has completed the documents and procedures to be granted a planting area code. If granted a planting area code, passion fruit products will be exported to China with a selling price of about 7,000 VND/kg higher than the price of regular lemons.

Billionaire durian garden

Go to hamlet 6 (Ia Blang commune, Chu Se district, Gia Lai province), ask his family “Good durian”, everyone knows. Once one of the famous pepper growers in Chu Se, at one point, every year, Nguyen Phuoc Thien’s family collected nearly 20 tons of dried pepper. However, because of the abuse of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to increase productivity, his family’s garden was depleted and gradually died.

Mr. Thien said: “By 2017, the price of pepper started to decline sharply, while the orchards were slowly dying, the revenue was not enough to cover expenses, so I gradually switched to growing durian. 

Drawing experience from pepper plants, I choose to cultivate durian in a sustainable organic way. In the process of planting and caring, I use organic fertilizers (self-composting from manure, coffee husks and biological products) combined with biological pesticides. Besides, I use advanced water-saving irrigation technology for all 5 hectares of durian in my family.”

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Mr. Thien, a billionaire farmer in village 6 (Ia Blang commune, Chu Se district, Gia Lai province) with his family’s durian garden (photo: Quang Tan).

Thanks to that, the durian garden of Mr. Thien’s family grew and developed very well, giving high yield.

Typically, the last crop, with 860 durian trees, of which 700 have just entered the fortune-telling collection, brought him a profit of nearly 2 billion dong.

“Now, making any tree must pay attention to the criteria of cleanliness, ensuring food hygiene and safety, to be accepted by the market. Doing clean agriculture not only protects your health but also protects the environment, As in the last season, traders come to the garden to buy at high prices, I don’t need to waste time harvesting, just weigh and then calculate the money “- Mr. Thien said excitedly.

Hard soil for sweet fruit 

The family of veteran Lai Quang Huan (Ia Cha Wau village) is one of the pioneers to convert sugarcane acreage to fruit trees on difficult land Chu A Thai, Phu Thien district.

Thanks to this, his family quickly had food to eat, and his children were well educated and had a stable  job .

Mr. Huan said: “In 2016, the price of sugarcane was low, income was not enough to cover investment costs, family life faced many difficulties. In the South, I decided to buy seeds for trial planting. 

The longan tree is suitable for the climate and soil here, so it grows and develops well. So I converted more than 6 hectares of sugarcane to plant 2,000 longan trees and planted 250 more Australian mango trees. With about 5 hectares of land left, I dig fish ponds, grow wet rice and grass to raise cows and goats.

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Mr. Huan, a billionaire farmer in Chu A Thai commune, Phu Thien district (Gia Lai province) in the process of growing longan can force longan to flower at will, so he always sells at a high price (photo: Quang Tan).

In addition to learning experiences from his teammates, Mr. Huan also often tinkers with and researches techniques for growing fruit trees, especially longan trees, to force fruit trees out of season.

To improve productivity and product quality, he applied organic farming techniques, taking advantage of manure sources to fertilize plants. At the same time, he applied water-saving irrigation technology for the entire orchard. As a result, the yield and quality of his family’s longan and mangoes are always high, favored by the market, traders come to the garden to buy.

Mr. Huan happily said: “Currently, my fruit products have been well received by big markets such as Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Dinh… with an average selling price of 25-30. thousand dong/kg longan, 10 thousand dong/kg Australian mango, the orchard alone has brought my family an income of about 1 billion dong/year.”According to 

Gia Lai Newspaper

Three farmers earn billions, each planting a “super” fruit tree

Source: vinlove