Billionaire reveals the secret of raising weasel very strange, super profitable

Compass Travel Vietnam
Billionaire reveals the secret of raising weasel very strange, super profitable

45 years old, experienced many jobs from working as a salaryman to raising exotic chickens, but in the end, the animal that helped Tuan succeed and earn billions is the weasel.

Countless failures

The model of raising ferrets, also known as civets, civets, and ferrets of Mr. Pham Van Tuan (Tra Noc ward, Binh Thuy district, Can Tho) has helped his family earn over 1 billion dong/year.($1=24,000 VND

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Experiencing many failures, Mr. Tuan has the dream many people dream of thanks to ferrets

Mr. Tuan’s weasel farm on Nguyen Chi Thanh street has an area of ​​more than 100m2, divided into 3 areas for breeding weasel individuals, breeding mink and commercial mink.

Depending on the development stage, Mr. Tuan will keep the mink in the cage in the ratio of 1-2 or more. In order to have the current production scale, this man had a time of “bankruptcy” when he did not understand the behavior of weasels. 

Mr. Tuan said, the day before he worked at a newspaper in Can Tho, not long after he moved to work as a manager at Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture (Can Tho campus). During his time as a “salaried worker”, Mr. Tuan had a passion for animal husbandry. From pheasants, frozen chickens, precious african chickens or pigeons, any strange breed he brought home to raise but failed. 

“It’s okay to raise a little, every time I increase the herd to a few hundred, I get infected and lose a lot. Raising one animal after another has failed, so when I heard that I invested in making ferrets, my parents reacted. very much,” Tuan shared. 

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Mr. Tuan’s ferret farm is raising 200 animals

Although his family disagrees, Tuan is still determined to pursue his passion to the end. 8 years ago, he went to Binh Duong to buy 3 mink including 2 females and 1 male. Due to the selection of ferrets, shortly after the mink spawned and sold at a high price, he was very excited. 

“Seeing the price of mink, I risked spending a few hundred million more to import 50 more gilts and male weasels for breeding. But because of the large number of weasel, infected ferrets with diarrhea died a lot, 60 ferrets only survived a few. Even though the hole was clean, I was determined to get up to the end, I had to come up from the weasel,” the owner of the mink farm shared. 

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The favorite food of ferrets is sweet ripe fruit

At that time, Mr. Tuan was constantly searching for medicines to cure diarrhea. Luck smiled when he found the cure. From the 4th year, Mr. Tuan increased the herd of ferrets. Drawing from the previous experience, this time Mr. Tuan arranged for the ferrets to live in separate cages. At the same time, at this time, Mr. Tuan has also quit his job at school to focus on raising livestock. 

Listening to music helps ferrets reduce stress

Ferrets are wild animals when kept in cages causing them stress. Especially, during pregnancy or after giving birth, if they are noisy or disturbed, they will let the baby hide, causing the ferret to be injured.

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The ferrets raised by Tuan are of pure Vietnamese origin. Females weigh 3.5-3.8kg; Males are about 5-5.5kg, but should not be raised too big because it affects fertility, mating…

“To overcome this drawback, I play music for the ferrets to listen to. This sound will limit the ferrets being startled. If there are strangers, they are not afraid. This method I have applied for more than 1 year and found it effective. “, the farmer revealed. 

Currently, Mr. Tuan is raising more than 200 ferrets, in which the ferrets breed has 55 females and 10 males. Female ferrets can give birth to 2-3 litters/year, each litter about 2-6 pups. When the ferrets were 2 months old, they separated from their mothers and kept them in separate cages. 

“Our facility provides ferrets of various ages. Weasel breeders are from 8-10 million VND/pair; 5-month-old and gilts are priced at 11-20 million VND/head; male ferrets are mated from 25-30. million VND/child. Customers from both inside and outside the province come to buy goods, but there is not enough supply,” Mr. Tuan said. 

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In order to take care of the ferrets easily, Mr. Tuan installed an automatic drinking system that turns on and off with his mobile phone

For nearly 10 years with the ferret, Mr. Tuan commented that the West is very suitable for raising this animal because it is a species that likes ripe fruits such as bananas, mangoes and jackfruits, so the cost of raising is quite economical. During the day, Mr. Tuan feeds the ferrets with fruit, in the evening, he feeds catfish or chickens. The cost of food each day is only 3,000-4,000 VND/head. ($1=24,000 VND

Sharing about his upcoming plan, Mr. Tuan said that he wants to open a weasel cafe, he will combine with coffee farmers in Dak Lak to create quality weasel coffee beans. 

Photo: Internet (

Billionaire reveals the secret of raising weasel very strange, super profitable

Source: vinlove