Farmers change their lives thanks to… straw

Compass Travel Vietnam
Farmers change their lives thanks to… straw

Binh Tri commune, Thang Binh district is considered the largest straw mushroom growing area in Quang Nam with more than 150 households doing the job. Thanks to making good use of local rice straw, farmers here have risen out of poverty.

Turn straw into money

From being a source of fuel, and fodder for livestock, straw is gradually eliminated in modern life today. Scientists have researched and recommended that copper-burning straw emits greenhouse gases, making the environment polluted.

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The first stage of growing straw mushrooms is washing the straw through water, this helps to keep the straw moist and compost quickly (Photo: Ngo Linh).

As for the people of Binh Tri commune (Thang Binh district, Quang Nam), they do not think so. Straw is a really valuable raw material, if you know how to make use of it, it will create a significant profit after rice.

Coming to Binh Tri commune, it is not too difficult to find mushroom farms hidden in the middle of the garden. Mr. Thai Tan Dung (54 years old, Viet Son village) always moves the packed straw cakes to the mushroom farm, preparing for the next batch of mushrooms. From farming, he switched to growing straw mushrooms for nearly 10 years.

According to Mr. Dung, for each mushroom growing period (15 days), he uses about 3,000 straw cakes. The cake maker must hire, with the price of 500,000 VND/1,000 cakes, contracted by product.

Growing straw mushrooms, Mr. Dung watched the day and time to remove the seeds, calculating that the mushrooms would come out on time on the full moon day, or on the first day of the lunar calendar. Mushrooms harvested on those days will be more expensive, easy to consume.

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Straw is packed into cakes, after incubation for about 10 days (Photo: Ngo Linh).

“Straw mushrooms have never been thrown away, only the price goes up and down depending on the success or failure of the season. At the price of 50,000-200,000 VND/kg, my family’s average monthly profit is about 15-20 million VND, higher than that. I used to do a lot of farming before,” Dung shared.

Farmer Phan Van Hung (Chau Lam village, Binh Tri commune) is also busy bringing mushrooms to the farm, Mr. Hung said, people produce and harvest mushrooms all year round, this profession mainly has to stay up late at night to fix the problem. prepare, watch the time of harvest.

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Straw cakes are wrapped in plastic bags with mushroom embryos, incubated for 10 days (Photo: Ngo Linh).

With 2 mushroom farms, Mr. Hung’s household produces about 2,000 rice straw cakes; After deducting expenses, the profit is more than 10 million VND/month.

“Making straw mushrooms is very hard, to get mushrooms has to go through many stages. There are times when the mushrooms do not produce much or the selling price is low, so there is no big profit. Apart from the weather, meiosis (mushroom embryos) is the main thing. factors determining the quality of straw mushrooms”, Mr. Hung said.

Out of poverty thanks to mushrooms

For the people of Binh Tri commune, the cultivation of straw mushrooms has helped farmers with “muddy hands and feet” rise out of poverty and raise their children to school. Many mushroom growers say firmly that here, there is no high-income profession like this one.

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Straw mushroom farming creates jobs for dozens of local workers (Photo: Ngo Linh).

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Canh’s family (Viet Son village) is one of the households that rose out of poverty through the cultivation of straw mushrooms. Ms. Canh recounted, more than 15 years ago, her family life was still difficult, eating today to take care of tomorrow. When there was a successful mushroom grower in the commune, her family also came to learn with the hope of changing their lives.

“To tell the truth, if it weren’t for growing mushrooms, my family wouldn’t have gotten better. Favored by the government, my family boldly invested and succeeded. If we say getting rich, there are a few people in the village, too. The rest is enough to eat, to escape poverty is to be happy,” said Ms. Canh.

Currently, every month, Ms. Canh’s family grows 2 batches of mushrooms, each batch of about 2,000 straw cakes, after deducting expenses, the income is more than 10 million VND/month.

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Straw mushrooms in Binh Tri commune have good quality and are favored by the market. Mushroom farming has helped farmers here rise out of poverty (Photo: Ngo Linh).

Mushroom farms attract many local workers . Ms. Tran Thi Cuc, who works for the owner of the mushroom farm, said that every working day, she is paid 300,000 VND. “Since the day the local mushroom farming industry expanded, I have had a regular job,” said Ms. Cuc.

Mr. Le Viet Manh – Chairman of Binh Tri Commune – said that mushroom farming has been established in the commune for 15 years. At first, only one household, but then the mushroom brought economic benefits, everyone started to learn and replicate.

“The whole commune has more than 150 households producing straw mushrooms, each year people buy more than 1,000 hectares of straw in Quang Nam, partially solving straw waste. Farmers therefore do not have to burn in the field, reducing environmental pollution. schools, increasing income for rice growers,” said Chairman of Binh Tri commune.

According to Mr. Manh, Binh Tri is a midland commune, with only more than 300 hectares of rice land, mainly thanks to the water of the sky, so the productivity is not high. With the cultivation of straw mushrooms, every month, after deducting expenses, each household can earn 10-15 million VND, many households have escaped poverty and are economically prosperous

($1=24,000 VND)
Photo: Internet (

Farmers change their lives thanks to… straw

Source: vinlove