Revealing how to get rich in a village with a “huge” per capita income

Compass Travel Vietnam
Revealing how to get rich in a village with a “huge” per capita income

The village has an average income of more than 72 million VND/person/year, which is the place with the “top” income in the model new rural commune of Dong Son district, Thanh Hoa province.($1=24,000 VND)

Change your life by going abroad

Coming to Tuyen Hoa village (Dong Khe commune, Dong Son district, Thanh Hoa) many people were surprised by the massive garden villas and busy trading services. The village got rich thanks to labor export and multi-industry development.

If in other localities the labor export movement has just developed, then in Dong Khe commune, Dong Son district, going abroad has become a traditional profession.

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Tuyen Hoa is a village with an average income of 72.5 million VND/person/year, the highest in Dong Khe commune (Photo: Hanh Linh).

According to statistics, Dong Khe commune has more than 600 employees working with stable income abroad, not to mention people who have gone abroad to return to get rich locally. 9 out of 9 villages in the commune have people going to work abroad.

Hundreds of households in Tuyen Hoa village “changed their skin and flesh” thanks to labor export. At present, there are 70 cases of labor export by different channels, the most in the commune. Children in Tuyen Hoa mainly work in Asian countries with high salaries such as Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. 

The family of Mr. Le Nien Viet (76 years old) has 4 children, all of whom are working abroad. From a poor household in the commune, now it has become a rich and well-off family in the locality. 

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Mr. Le Nien Viet enjoys his old age thanks to his son going to work abroad (Photo: Hanh Linh).

Mr. Le Nien Anh (46 years old), the first son of Mr. Viet, went abroad nearly 15 years ago. Leaving his hometown to go to Korea smoothly, with an income of 30-35 million VND/month, he sent money to take care of his family, and brought his two younger brothers, Le Nien Dung and Le Nien Van, to Korea to work together. 

With a high and stable income, 4 years after he went to work abroad, Mr. Le Nien Dung returned to his hometown to open a shop selling flower pots and ornamental plants; and Mr. Le Nien Van opened accommodation and entertainment services for sustainable development in the locality.

As for Le Nien Anh, with a job as a skilled and experienced lathe with a high income, every time his visa expires, he continues to extend it to stay in Korea to work. In 2020, he brought his wife to Korea to work with him.

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Mr. Le Trong Tenh has an income of more than 100 million VND per year thanks to the general farm (Photo: Hanh Linh).

“In Korea, my son’s salary is about 70-80 million VND per month. Every month, he and his wife regularly send money to take care of their two children’s education, the rest together with friends to invest in business.” Mr. Viet said.

Mother’s capital, child’s money!

Ms. Le Thi Nhiem, Head of Tuyen Hoa village happily talked about getting rich locally. Tuyen Hoa has 309 households, which is the most populous village in the commune. With the nature of suffering, hard work and diligence in labor, the villagers have had many new ways of doing business. Every household has 2 or 3 sources of income. 

According to Ms. Nhiem, the reason that people here have a high income thanks to the source of labor export from their children sent home, with capital, families continue to invest in developing many local industries from business to translation services. services, trade, construction to farm models… 

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Ms. Le Thi Nhiem, Head of Tuyen Hoa village told about the jobs that are giving a stable income in the village (Photo: Hanh Linh).

Ms. Nhiem calculated that there are 6 construction bosses in the village, each contractor has dozens of workers, with an income of 300,000-350,000 VND/day. In many families, the husband works as a builder, the wife works as a worker in a garment and shoe factory, or both husband and wife work in factories. The income of each person is 7-9 million VND/month. 

The village also has many households raising, cultivating, developing farms, large and small farms. Mr. Le Trong Tenh’s family (61 years old) earns hundreds of millions of dong a year thanks to the model of a general livestock farm.

Mr. Teh said that in 2012, he and his wife rented more than 1ha of communal land, dug a pond to raise ducks and geese by hand. His family’s breed of ducks always maintains 800 ducks, sometimes up to thousands of commercial ducks; geese breed 300… In addition, he also raises bees and digs ponds to raise fish and birds.

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Having stable income from many sources, households in Tuyen Hoa build spacious and spacious houses (Photo: Hanh Linh).

With more than 600 employees with jobs and stable incomes in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan (China), many families become billionaires thanks to people going abroad. 

From the source of labor export, many children after returning to their hometown have invested and developed the economy. Through the review, the commune has 12 farming households, farms, 31 businesses registered for business operations, 3 cooperatives with hundreds of members.

The average income per capita of the commune in 2022 will reach 60.01 million VND/person/year. The commune no longer has poor households. Some villages have high per capita income such as Tuyen Hoa 72.5 million dong, Vien Khe 1 is 67.2 million dong, Tam Xuyen 62.7 million dong, etc. 

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The village has asphalt roads, trees, and high-pressure lights to people’s houses (Photo: Hanh Linh).

Mr. Pham Dinh Dien, Head of the Department of Labor – Invalids and Social Affairs of Dong Son district said that Dong Son is leading Thanh Hoa province in terms of labor export. The district has nearly 5,000 workers working abroad, concentrated in some Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China…; European countries such as Russia, Romania… In which, some communes have a large number of laborers working abroad such as Dong Khe, Dong Hoang, Dong Minh, Dong Thinh…

According to Mr. Dien, Dong Son district has an average income of nearly 55 million VND/person/year. With an average income of 72.5 million VND/person/year, up to now, Tuyen Hoa village is the richest and most prosperous place in the district.($1=24,000 VND)

Photo: Internet (

Revealing how to get rich in a village with a “huge” per capita income

Source: vinlove