Invite each other to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat, an interesting and very chill experience

Compass Travel Vietnam
Invite each other to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat, an interesting and very chill experience

After the heavy rains are the ideal time for you to experience mushroom picking in the rainy season in Da Lat, beef liver mushrooms, chicken eggs, golden Kani, corals … are full of flowers after the rain, stimulating visitors to come and harvest. and fully immersed in the fresh nature of the land of fog. 

Da Lat is indeed a land favored by mother nature when there are so many wonderful things that make travelers fall in love. Any season of the year, Da Lat has its own beauty, change in nature, and wonderful landscape. Especially, in the rainy season, one of the times when it doesn’t seem ideal to visit Da Lat, this place has very interesting experiences that make tourists excited, one of which is mushroom picking. . Picking mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat will bring you a very interesting feeling because you will be trekking at a “light level”, enjoy the poetic scenery of the primeval pine hills, explore the diverse world of the forest. wild mushrooms, enjoy a satisfying harvest with baskets full of mushrooms and enjoy fresh meals from mushrooms.

mushroom picking in the rainy season in DalatThe experience of mushroom picking in the rainy season in Da Lat is a HOT choice for tourists. Photo: Jenny Nguyen

Mushroom picking in the rainy season in Da Lat – an interesting experience to be in harmony with nature 

Da Lat enters the rainy season is also when the people of the mountain town officially enter the harvest season of a specialty forest that is forest mushrooms. In the early morning, groups of people looming from the cover of each hand carrying baskets disappearing under the green pine canopy is a very familiar image, after the forest rain is also the time when the mushroom picking season begins, the harvest season. bestowed on the mountains and forests.

Experience picking mushrooms in the rainy season in Da LatForest mushrooms in the rainy season are an attractive specialty of Da Lat. Photo: Hie

In the pine forest canopy of the suburbs of Da Lat, under the thick and wet vegetation of the rainy season, a multitude of mushrooms intertwine of all colors are very attractive and beautiful. Wild mushrooms in Da Lat are very diverse from golden chicken seed mushrooms, pink-white khaki mushrooms, coral mushrooms, also known as beautiful stone flower mushrooms, brightly colored red mushrooms under the handle, pine mushrooms, big beef liver mushrooms. with adult hands… Not only delicious but also wild mushrooms of Da Lat have high nutritional value, such as beef liver mushrooms that can detoxify, strengthen immunity, chicken eggs rich in vitamin A and antioxidants. oxidizing agents, coral mushrooms with very high nutritional value are likened to the reishi of the mountains and forests….

Mushroom picking in the rainy season in Da Lat with many varietiesMushrooms in Da Lat are very diverse. Photo: Le Hong Nham

Mushroom picking in the rainy season in Da Lat beef mushrooms

Each type of mushroom has its own characteristics. Photo: Luy Nguyen

Picking mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat chicken eggs mushroomsMushroom eggs are round with many nutrients. Photo: Phuong Lien Tran

Mushroom picking in the rainy season in Da Lat is a very interesting activity because it is like a light trekking trip for visitors to immerse themselves in the green and fresh space of the primeval pine forests, wandering on the small pieces of forest. forest, a poetic trail under the pine trees and enjoy the feeling of passion when harvesting the fat forest mushrooms by yourself. There are no crowded cars or long lines of tourists waiting for check-in, going to pick mushrooms in Da Lat you will enjoy a quiet space under the forest canopy, listening to the birds chirping, waterfalls or here and there calling each other. of smiling faces next to baskets full of colorful mushrooms.

Picking mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat all kinds of mushroomsDiscovering the world of mushrooms in Dalat is a very interesting experience. Photo: Luy Nguyen

The ideal time to pick mushrooms in Da Lat 

The rainy season in Da Lat usually starts from the second half of April until the end of October, at this time people will burn vegetation in many areas to prevent fire and then the soil surface will absorb a lot of light, when The first rains of the season are also the time when the humidity increases, creating conditions for natural fungi to grow. The ideal time to hunt mushrooms is from May, so choose to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat after the rain for 1 to 2 days because at this time mushrooms grow a lot and are easy to find.

Time to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat  The ideal time to pick mushrooms is from 5am to 8am in the rainy season from May to October. Photo: Le Hong Nham

The time to go to pick mushrooms in the pine forest is early in the morning from 5 to 8 am because this time the mushrooms are freshest and also when the scenery under the pine forests is still covered with morning dew. After this time frame, the forest will often appear many insects as well as parasites.

Suggesting places to pick mushrooms in Da Lat 

The places to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat are very diverse, depending on the forest conditions as well as the specific rainfall, the number of mushrooms in these areas will be different. 

Pine forest of Tuyen Lam lake

This area is one of the places with the most mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat, the specific location is the Elephant Mountain area, Tuyen Lam Lake , the road here is not too difficult, the natural scenery is beautiful. and relatively easy to hunt. The mushrooms here are mainly khaki mushrooms, beef liver mushrooms, chicken egg mushrooms, and fat mushrooms.

where to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Dalat

Tuyen Lam Lake area has a lot of forest mushrooms. Photo: Nhu Tam

Hill on Huynh Tan Phat Street

This rainy season mushroom picking area in Da Lat is very popular with people because it has a high pine hill, underneath is a thick layer of fresh grass, so it creates an environment for mushrooms to grow a lot. Just go to Huynh Tan Phat Street and look to the right to see the pine hill with thick grass, you can lower your things to pick mushrooms.

The pine forest of Dar Sar . commune 

Dar Sar commune is also known as the paradise of mushroom picking in Da Lat every rainy season because the pine forest here is almost a primeval three-leaf pine forest, not exploited for tourism, that’s why the mushrooms naturally grow. developed and abundant. However, this mushroom-picking bow is not easy to go, especially if you are inexperienced, you should not choose this place.

Time to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat  The further away the locations are, the more mushrooms will be. Photo: Le Hong Nham

Pine forest in Trai Mat

According to the guides and local residents, the pine forest in Trai Mai is a suitable place for tourists to experience mushroom picking because this is the place with the easiest and safest path. In addition to mushroom picking, visitors can combine check-in with famous tourist attractions nearby such as Cau Dat or hunting clouds in the morning. 

In addition, other places to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat you can refer to such as Ta Nung forest, the entrance to The Florest Flowers in the Forest, Xuan Tho forest…

where to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Dalat  Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose a suitable place to pick mushrooms. Photo: Luy Nguyen

Notes to remember when picking mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat 

Visitors who want to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat can contact to participate in tours of professional units or contact local people who are knowledgeable about mushrooms, often go to the forest to pick mushrooms. You can ask the hotel or homestay owner to recommend a reputable place. Do not go to pick mushrooms alone because not knowing the terrain will be quite dangerous, especially when you are busy picking mushrooms, you will easily get lost in the forest. 

In order for your experience of mushroom picking in Da Lat to go smoothly and safely, you should prepare full gloves, climbing sticks, mushroom baskets, discreet jungle clothes, do not bring short clothes because it’s easy. bitten by insects, wear sports shoes or long boots to avoid slipping, belong to insect spray.

equipment when picking mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat  Should be well equipped when going to pick mushrooms in the rainy season. Photo: Nhu Tam

Note that in the process of mushroom picking, you should listen to the instructor and if you do not know what it is, you should not put it together with edible mushrooms. 

Should bring small knives to cut, keep the mushroom base. It is recommended to pick medium and large sized mushrooms, with newly sprouted or young mushrooms should be left for the next time to be picked or for visitors to come after harvest. According to local people, each mushroom can contain millions of lithium cells and they can grow when conditions are right. It is also advisable to refrain from picking very old mushrooms when they contain a lot of spores about to disperse.

Note when picking mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat

Each type of mushroom has its own characteristic, the coral mushroom-shaped point has a coral-like shape, should be noted when picking. Photo: Nhu Tam

About the cost, you can consult in advance at the service companies that provide this tour, usually the cost of a mushroom picking tour is from 1 million / person, children from 9 years old and above cost about 500,000 VND / person.

Suggested schedule of mushroom picking in the rainy season in Dalat 

The schedule of Dalat mushroom picking tour at each unit will be different, with new visitors to experience can choose the mushroom picking spot at Cau Dat Trai Mat because it is both close and easy to go. Visitors can refer to the following itinerary: 

7:00: Have breakfast and focus on moving to Cau Dat from the city center by motorbike.

8:00am: Start moving into the forest 

9am: Explore the pine forest, find and pick mushrooms 

11am: Camp or move to a homestay near the forest gate to prepare dishes from freshly picked mushrooms 

Picking mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat to prepare dishesMushrooms can be processed into many nutritious dishes. Photo: campingdalat

12h: Enjoy lunch with delicious dishes from mushrooms and rest 

14h: Explore nearby places such as Cau Dat tea hill, Hoa Xa Tunnel, Wine cellar….

17h: Return to the city and end the journey.

tourr schedule to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Dalat  The schedule of mushroom picking tours will be able to incorporate natural tourist attractions. Photo: Jenny Nguyen

After the mushroom picking sessions in the rainy season in Da Lat , you will have more beautiful memories in the foggy land, enjoy delicious dishes from the specialties of the mountains and have more interesting knowledge about the forest and about the forest. mushroom world of Da Lat and from there love wonderful nature. When visiting Dalat in the rainy season, do not miss the fascinating experience of mushroom picking in the forest. 

Photo: Internet (

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Invite each other to pick mushrooms in the rainy season in Da Lat, an interesting and very chill experience

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