Experience night camping at Dau Tieng lake having fun

Compass Travel Vietnam
Experience night camping at Dau Tieng lake having fun

You are planning to camp with your friends at Dau Tieng lake, but still have no experience? Don’t worry, soon Vinlove will reveal the most useful information to help you have a memorable and complete trip to the beautiful Dau Tieng lake in Tay Ninh  !

Where is Dau Tieng Lake? 

To camp overnight at Dau Tieng lake , you should first find out where this place is. Dau Tieng Lake This is an artificial lake with the largest area in Vietnam, located in 3 provinces of Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc and Tay Ninh. Dau Tieng Lake possesses a poetic and outstanding landscape with a large lake surface of 27,000m2. Not only is it a picnic and entertainment place that attracts young people on weekends, Dau Tieng Lake is also chosen by many people to camp overnight. 

The most ideal time to organize camping in Dau Tieng Lake is in the summer. At this time, the water in the terrarium will be suitable for sightseeing, sightseeing and playing. Although the weather is a bit hot in the summer, in the evening it is very cool and pleasant to organize fun activities. 
 Night camping at Dau Tieng lake - where?Dau Tieng Lake is a favorite camping site for many young people. Photo: dulichvietnam

How to get to Dau Tieng Lake?    

Experience camping at night in Dau Tieng Lake , first of all, you need to know how to move to this place. From the center of Saigon to Dau Tieng lake about 90km, if you go in groups and want to actively travel, you can go by motorbike for about 2.5 – 3 hours to arrive. Or travel by self-driving car, but cannot move inside the lake because the road is quite narrow. You can refer to the following route: 

Starting from Saigon -> National Highway 3 -> Suoi Giua junction, turn left onto Nguyen Chi Thanh street -> go in the direction of DT744 street, turn into CMT8 road connecting with Tran Van Lac street and turn right onto DT702 and go along the lakeside will arrive.
 How to get to Dau Tieng Lake - moveHow to get to Dau Tieng Lake from Saigon?

What to prepare for camping at Dau Tieng Lake? 

If you still do not know what to prepare when camping overnight at Dau Tieng Lake, you can refer to the following suggestions:    

– The first is a tool to keep the body warm: Including a tent, clothes, socks, hat and towel.

– The second is personal hygiene items: Sunscreen, insect cream, sunglasses, toothbrush…  

– Tuesday prepare to travel: Drinking water, clothes to change when moving and slippers. 

– Wednesday: Including cooking utensils, raincoats, thin blankets, identification papers, medicines, phone chargers, spare batteries, cameras, flashlights… How to move to Dau Tieng lake - preparePrepare equipment when camping at Dau Tieng Lake

Interesting experiences when camping at Dau Tieng Lake 

What’s fun about camping overnight at Dau Tieng Lake? You will enjoy swimming, relaxing fishing, boating, watching the sunrise…

– Cool bath: The first interesting experience when camping in Dau Tieng lake is swimming. You will have a cool bath, take a sip under the water to find snails, mussels and have fun. 

– Relaxing fishing : When camping at Dau Tieng lake, you should also bring fishing gear. What could be better than just fishing with your friends and enjoying your results right next to the grill.
 How to move to Dau Tieng lake - fishingRelaxing fishing at Dau Tieng lake. Photo: mototrip

– Boating : You can rent boats from people living near the lake and freely row the boat to admire the beautiful scenery in the middle of the vast lake.How to move to Dau Tieng lake - rowing boatRowing a boat to explore the immense lake. Photo: mototrip

– Admire the sunset and sunrise : There is nothing better than waking up early in the morning to admire the romantic sunrise or sunset. Relax your soul and check-in virtual life as a souvenir. 

– Grilling food : This is the most anticipated experience when camping overnight at Dau Tieng lake in Tay Ninh . You can bring pre-marinated food from home, along with caught fish, snails and fruit to organize a small party with your friends. How to move to Dau Tieng lake - grill foodHave a fun barbecue party with friendsHow to move to Dau Tieng lake - eat and drinkBring fruits and food from home

– Singing through the night : After having a full meal, it’s time to sing, dance and makes a super fun campfire. How to move to Dau Tieng lake - have funOrganize fun activities through the night. Photo: dulichvietnam

– Check-in virtual living with a genuine view : Of course, you can’t ignore the super beautiful and romantic shooting angles at Dau Tieng Lake as a souvenir. You can check-in at the forest, lakeside or take a boat on the water to take beautiful photos as a souvenir.How to move to Dau Tieng lake - virtual lifeDon’t forget to keep the beautiful photos as a souvenir. Photo: ivivu

Popular places near Dau Tieng Lake

Camping at Dau Tieng Lake , besides fun activities, you can refer to the following famous places to combine sightseeing:

Cau Mountain with Thai Son Pagoda : A temple located in Binh Duong, famous for its beautiful and sacred scenery. The temple has a spacious and impressive campus with unique architecture. Visitors can visit the temple and check-in beautiful virtual living. 

– Suoi Truc : The mountain stands out with its majestic scenery amidst the vast green bamboo forest. Visiting Truc stream, visitors will admire the beautiful waterfall, have fun and cool off. 

– Ba Den Mountain : Of course, it is indispensable to visit the famous Ba Den mountain in Tay Ninh. If you have health, you can trek Ba Den mountain to admire the majestic beauty here. Ba Den Mountain is also a famous camping and picnic spot in Tay Ninh.
 How to move to Dau Tieng lake - Ba Den mountainCombined visit to Ba Den mountain. Photo: motortrip

Hopefully, the information shared above will help you have the most fun and experience camping trip at Dau Tieng Lake . Don’t forget to immediately save your super detailed Tay Ninh travel experience for your upcoming trip! 

Photo: Internet

Experience night camping at Dau Tieng lake having fun

Source: vinlove