Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tile bridge in Vietnam

Compass Travel Vietnam
Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tile bridge in Vietnam

Thanks to its unique architecture and poetic ancient look, the tiled bridge in Luong market has attracted many visitors to stop and admire it.

If you are passionate about the architecture of bridges, and love ancient works, then certainly cannot ignore the tiled bridge at Luong market, located in Hai Anh commune, Hai Hau district, Nam Dinh province.

Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tile bridge in Vietnam - Photo 1.

Luong market tile bridge is one of the 10 oldest bridges in Quan Anh.(Photo: nguyenkhaitrung)

Once visiting the Hai Anh area, passing a corner of the Trung Giang river all year round with clear blue water, visitors will see a small bridge crossing the two banks, quietly standing firmly under the flow of time, and in front of the current. crowded passersby.

Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tile bridge in Vietnam - Photo 2.

The bridge has been recognized by the State as a national historical and cultural relic since 1990. (Photo: thanh.nhan.77770)

The ancient bridge stands out in the middle of a street corner more than 500 years old. Built at the same time as Luong Pagoda (in the year of Hong Thuan Tam Nien, ie 1511), the tile-roofed bridge in Luong market not only wears a coat of moss but also attracts passers-by by its delicate architectural lines. .

Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tiled bridge in Vietnam - Photo 3.

The market bridge was built more than 500 years ago.(Photo: ngocanh_shine)

From a distance, visitors can easily see that the tiles are roofed regularly, tightly forming a beautiful arc between the two banks, looking like a dragon reaching out to the sky.

Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tiled bridge in Vietnam - Photo 4.

The architectural shape of the market tile bridge is compared by many to the image of a winding dragon.(Photo: sachcuduonglang)

Luong market tile bridge is designed in the style of “Thuong Gia Ha Kieu” (top is a house, below is a bridge), with 18 square stone columns arranged in 6 rows to bear 6 because (the pieces of bamboo and wood are grafted to support and support the roof). house), and support all 9 toilets. The two sides of the bridge are designed in the same way with outstanding golden tones and motifs of majestic statues of clams.

Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tiled bridge in Vietnam - Photo 5.

The bridge head is painted in a striking yellow color.(Photo: pvu0812)

Inside the bridge is a system of large ironwood beams and beams, creating an ancient scene as if visitors have just stepped into the time gate to go back to the past.

Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tile bridge in Vietnam - Photo 6.

Inside Luong market tile bridge.(Photo: nguyenkhaitrung)

Under the talented hands and creativity of ancient artisans, the market tile bridge has become one of the three most beautiful and ancient tile bridges in Vietnam, still retaining its original appearance.

Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tiled bridge in Vietnam - Photo 7.

Luong market tile bridge is the pride and cultural symbol of the people of Hai Anh commune, Hai Hau district, Nam Dinh.(Photo: an.nhienthao)

Whether standing outside to see the whole view of the bridge hidden under the red phoenix trees every summer, or sitting quietly in a corner inside the bridge looking at the surrounding scenery, the tiled bridge in Luong market still brings a difficult feeling of fluttering. describe.

Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tiled bridge in Vietnam - Photo 8.

On holidays, many tourists every time they have the opportunity to return to Nam Dinh do not forget to come to Hai Anh commune to save memories by this 500-year-old ancient bridge.(Photo: thuyvivuu)

The beauty of the bridge is both rustic, majestic, and subtle poetic and lyrical features of the bridge have created endless inspiration for many poets to write poetic masterpieces, and at the same time, it is also a place for many tourists. Guests come to save beautiful photos.

 (According VTC News)

Admire the most beautiful and ancient 500-year-old tile bridge in Vietnam

Source: vinlove