Ancient birth tree embraced the village gate, was paid 100 gold trees but the owner did not sell it

Compass Travel Vietnam
Ancient birth tree embraced the village gate, was paid 100 gold trees but the owner did not sell it

After more than 10 years of persuasion, Mr. Hoa bought this tree, so even though many people wanted to buy it, he still didn’t want to sell it.(1 gold tree = 37,5 gam)

Among the countless ornamental plants attending the Capital Ornamental Biology Festival 2022, the tree born with the name “Country Soul” has attracted the attention of many visitors.

The owner of this work is Mr. Lai Quang Hoa (Hoa Taxi), residing in Hung Yen, is a famous person in the world of ornamental animals.

Mr. Hoa said it took him nearly 10 years to convince the owner of this work to sell it to him.

“Convincing them not to sell, until 2014, the bonsai market slowed down, they needed money so I could buy it,” said Mr. Hoa.

According to Mr. Hoa, this birth tree is estimated to be over 100 years old with fossil-like roots.

To get the roots that hug the village gate in the most natural way, it takes many years without pruning or repairing.

The tree was born like an ancient banyan tree, with roots clinging to the village gate, the canopy of the tree casts shade down full of art.

In order for the village gate to have the most ancient features, each brick chosen to make is also a rustic brick, not plastered.

The birth tree has only one trunk, the trunk is not fixed to the village gate but grows naturally next to it.

The image of the ancient temple next to the original village head was also added by Mr. Hoa to add to the ancient part.

Besides, the village well is a characteristic of the Northern Delta in the past, next to the village gate, increasing the art.

He said that the image of the village gate was very familiar to the Vietnamese in the past. However, the village gates today have been demolished, there are not many left.

Therefore, he named this work “Country Soul” to help people who are far from the countryside can nostalgic for the old times.

When the work was completed, many people offered to buy it.

“Last year someone paid 6 billion dong, equivalent to 100 gold trees, but I didn’t sell them,” said Mr. Hoa.

Photo: Internet

Ancient birth tree embraced the village gate, was paid 100 gold trees but the owner did not sell it

Source: vinlove