Bachelors quit their jobs to raise fish “giants” and earn hundreds of millions of dong

Compass Travel Vietnam
Bachelors quit their jobs to raise fish “giants” and earn hundreds of millions of dong

With only 3 Koi fish tanks of several tens of square meters, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan in Can Tho has become rich. Currently, she is preparing to set up a Koi carp farming facility to supply the market.

“Put aside” a bachelor’s degree in vegetable gardening and fish farming 

Before succeeding in raising Koi carp, Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (29 years old, living in My Khanh commune, Phong Dien district, Can Tho) used to be precarious with countless jobs. 

Ngan said, at 22 years old, she graduated with a major in Accounting from Tay Do University. Holding a bachelor’s degree in her hand, Ngan aspires and dreams of a bright future, getting a job in the right industry with a suitable salary. 

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After many failed start-ups, Ms. Ngan succeeded with the Koi carp farming model (Photo: Bao Ky).

After a lot of recruitment information, Ms. Ngan applied to a company with the right accounting position as desired. However, after 2 years of working with her, her income is still very low, so Ngan quit her job and returned home to help her parents raise livestock and garden. 

“I hesitated before making that decision, at that time I had just gotten married. My father-in-law saw that we were still in trouble, so he lent his children 7 labors (7,000m2) of land for farming and raising livestock to earn a household income. spread,” said Ngan. 

With that land, Ngan and her husband established many livelihoods, planted fruit trees on the shore, and raised perch, red tilapia, and Thai frog… but all failed, the seed did not die, and the output was precarious again. 

“My husband still drives long distances, so he can’t help his wife with gardening. I can’t do it alone, I don’t know how to raise aquatic products, so my husband loses money. That time was probably the most difficult period of my life.” Ngan said.

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Koi carp are raised in tarpaulin tanks and composite tanks (Photo: Bao Ky).

Stable thanks to “giant” fish farming

Fate came to her in 2017. During a trip, her family stopped for a drink at a Koi carp cafe and found the fish friendly and lovely, so Ms. Ngan quite liked it.

After that, she had the opportunity to visit a Koi carp farm in Tien Giang and learned that this fish has a high value, bought by the rich as an ornamental. Since then, the young girl has had the intention of starting a business. 

“My wife and I discussed it and collected 80 million dongs to save money to buy powdered Koi carp to raise. Thinking back on that day was a real dose,” Ms. Ngan said. 

Ms. Ngan said that when she first started, she brought fry bought from the cellar to raise them on a canvas tank. Due to the unstable pH, erratic weather and weather, the fish were shocked to death. The number of surviving fish, she separated and raised separately. Thanks to researching online, Ngan learned many secrets of Koi carp farming and applied them to her model. 

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Butterfly Koi carp has the highest price, up to 450,000 VND/kg (Photo: Bao Ky). ($1=25,000 VND)

Although the water environment has been treated, Koi carp are very susceptible to fungus and red body disease. For healthy fish, antibiotics must be mixed in the fish food. When the water in the aquarium is cold, the pH decreases, and the water must be changed so that the water gradually warms up. In particular, in the aquarium, there must be a flow system to make the fish more active and agile.

Currently, Ms. Ngan raises 2 main lines of fish: common Koi and Butterfly Koi. Common koi carp of 100-200 fish/kg is sold for 280,000 VND/kg; copy koi 10-15 pcs/kg price 350,000 VND/kg; Butterfly koi from 2-4 pieces/kg cost 450,000 VND/kg.

On average, she supplies about 500kg of Koi carp (all sizes) to the market every month.

Fish are sold to ornamental fish farms in Can Tho and the provinces of Dong Thap, Kien Giang, Ca Mau, and Dong Nai… Thanks to that, Ms. Ngan earns 250 million dong/per year.

According to the farm owner, Koi carp is still raised by her in the form of buying fry to nurse and take care of new large fish for sale. Ms. Ngan is still researching how to breed and multiply fish. In addition, she and her husband are preparing to set up a Koi carp farming facility to supply the market.

Photo: Internet (

Bachelors quit their jobs to raise fish “giants” and earn hundreds of millions of dong

Source: vinlove