CNN put Vietnamese bread, pho, and coffee… in the top 50 best street foods in Asia

Compass Travel Vietnam
CNN put Vietnamese bread, pho, and coffee… in the top 50 best street foods in Asia

According to CNN on August 23, bread, pho, and coffee are Vietnamese dishes that have entered the top 50 best street foods in Asia voted CNN.


For most Vietnamese people and most foreigners, when it comes to Vietnamese street food, the first thing that comes to mind is banh mi.

Although the origin of banh mi is from France, this dish really stands out as it is today thanks to the taste and processing of Vietnamese people. From rustic, close ingredients, but when combined, a delicate and unique dish is born.

Like many other dishes, the ingredients to make bread are really diverse and always change according to different regions.

A loaf of the original version will include a crispy crust, a filling, fresh filling with pork, pickles, cilantro, chili and pate. Today’s popular cake is sold all over the roads in big cities to the countryside, making many foreign diners excited.

CNN puts Vietnamese bread, pho, and coffee in the top 50 best street foods in Asia - Photo 2.

Coffee drinking culture has long become the “breath” of every Vietnamese – Photo: INDOCHINACHARMTOURS

The coffee

Referring to Vietnam, it is impossible to ignore the unique culture of enjoying coffee of Vietnamese people. For Vietnamese people, plastic chairs or tree pots, even the road surface, and sidewalks have long become places to sit comfortably and drink a cup of coffee.

With the same main ingredient, coffee, there are many different ways to enjoy, bringing different flavors and experiences to diners. Coffee can be enjoyed with condensed milk, coconut milk, with eggs or simply dark coffee with a few ice cubes.

CNN puts Vietnamese bread, pho, and coffee in the top 50 best street foods in Asia - Photo 3.

Through the generations, pho has always been considered the “national spirit” of Vietnamese people – Photo: HANOITIMES

Noodle Soup

In many votes of domestic and international newspapers, pho is the favorite dish of many people, both Vietnamese and international friends. According to CNN, Vietnamese pho is a dish that almost nothing can compete with.

A delicious bowl of moringa can be easily enjoyed from luxury restaurants or even just strollers on the sidewalk.

A bowl of hot noodle soup with a fatty broth, subtly scented with typical dry flavorings such as anise, cinnamon, garnished with slices of onion and pepper, diners can add their own sauces and lemons. and chili to suit individual taste.

The sophistication in the method of cooking pho, combining the spices of pho has created a dish that has conquered the most demanding diners, including food critics and famous chefs in the world. gender.

A few other outstanding street foods in the top

CNN puts Vietnamese bread, pho, and coffee in the top 50 best street foods in Asia - Photo 4.

A tourist is considered to have not been to Taiwan if he has never tried a cup of pearl milk tea here – Photo: CNN

Bubble Milk Tea (Taiwan)

A drink originating from Taiwan and becoming more and more familiar to most young Vietnamese in particular and the world in general.

Unlike the original, which is only processed with green tea or black tea combined with milk in the modern version, pearl milk tea also appears many other flavors such as taro, matcha, chocolate …

kai jeow pu crab omelette (Thailand)

After enjoying this dish, most diners are surprised because they did not expect the seemingly strange combination of eggs and crab meat to bring such a delicious taste.

CNN puts Vietnamese bread, pho, and coffee in the top 50 best street foods in Asia - Photo 5.

Moon Kai shouted

The outer shell is fried to a crispy golden color, the inside is soft and smooth, served with a little sweet chili sauce, bringing the seemingly simple dish to a new level.

Kimbap seaweed rice roll (Korea)

Although it looks quite similar to Japanese makizushi (a type of sushi rolled with seaweed), Korean kimbap rice rolls contain much more ingredients such as spinach, carrots, cucumbers, and tubers. Pickled cabbage, fern vegetables, crab sticks, sausages…

In particular, depending on the region, the ingredients wrapped in rice rolls are also more diverse.

CNN puts Vietnamese bread, pho, and coffee in the top 50 best street foods in Asia - Photo 6.

A unique ice cream with a special soft texture from Japan – Photo: CNN

Soft ice cream sofuto kurimu (Japan)

Different from most regular ice cream, sofuto kurimu soft ice cream has a soft, supple texture that melts in the mouth with a variety of flavors ranging from chocolate, vanilla to novel flavors like bamboo charcoal, sweet potato purple, red beans, wasabi and even squid.

CNN put Vietnamese bread, pho, and coffee… in the top 50 best street foods in Asia

Source: vinlove