Come to the ancient capital, you must listen to Hue songs on the Huong River and immerse yourself in the nostalgic sounds

Compass Travel Vietnam
Come to the ancient capital, you must listen to Hue songs on the Huong River and immerse yourself in the nostalgic sounds 

It is often said that if traveling to the ancient capital without listening to Hue’s songs on the Perfume River, the trip must have lost a part of Hue’s taste. There is nothing more wonderful than being released on dragon boats, down the poetic Huong Giang river, and dropping your soul into the songs of Nam Ai, melodious and melodious men, full of nostalgia. 

Hue has never made people miss it with its deep, ancient and nostalgic beauty. Traveling to Hue, in addition to discovering temples, palatial palaces or experiencing delicious cuisine, take the time to come to Hue songs on the Perfume River, a unique, royal and royal art form. has a very unique beauty that is not found anywhere else. 

Hue song on the Perfume River

Ca Hue on the Perfume River is a unique tourism art form. Photo: great solidarity newspaper

Ca Hue with the historical flow full of ups and downs of the times 

Ca Hue on the Perfume River is an extremely unique art form of the ancient capital with more than 80 melodies and is an indispensable part of Hue royal court music. The art of Hue singing has an extremely harmonious melody between music, people, rivers and poetic landscapes.
 Ca Hue on the Perfume RiverCa Hue is a unique cultural feature typical of Hue. Photo:

In the seventeenth century, when Hue was the capital of Dang Trong, Hue music was loved by the royal family and famous families and was an elegant hobby that often appeared at events. banquets, festivals. After that, when Hue was officially the capital of the Nguyen Dynasty, Hue music was always the favorite art form and reached its peak period from the reign of King Minh Mang (1820-1840) to the reign of Tu Duc (1848). -1883). Although extremely prosperous during the imperial period, from 1885-1945 it stagnated and declined in the period from 1945-1989.

Hue song on the Perfume River

This art form has experienced many ups and downs along with the flow of history. Photo: hanoimoi

By the time Thua Thien Hue re-established the province, Hue singing on the Perfume River was noticed and developed as an attractive tourist product, attracting tourists, so this art form was propagated, honored, and developed. develop again, bringing into full play the value of this unique art form. 

>>See more:  A tour to admire the beautiful bridges of Hue living in an enchanting fantasy 

Listening to Hue songs on the Perfume River is a wonderful experience in the ancient capital 

Hue at night is shimmering and fanciful with Truong Tien Bridge sparkling with colorful colors, dragon boats leaving the wharf slowly drifting on the river, and Hue singing nights on the Perfume River have officially begun. 

Hue song on the Perfume River

Hue Ca Cruise has a unique architecture. Photo: inhuda

The dragon boat drifts slowly on the Huong Giang river, visitors sitting on the boat can zoom in on the scenery before officially immersing themselves in the melodious melodies. The performances of Hue songs on the Perfume River will bring visitors back in time to the golden past of the palace, back to images only seen in movies. 

Hue song on the Perfume River

You will be like going back in time to the old royal place. Photo: laque

Enjoying the melodious music in the middle of the Huong Giang River, you will experience many levels of mixed emotions from being quietly immersed, and contemplative to the joyful feeling of the reciprocal performances, the lovemaking, the dances and the music. dating. The smooth, deep singing voices resound in the night along with the beat, zither, erhu, and moon ki, making anyone feel wonderfully calm and passionately attached.

In particular, if you listen to Hue’s song on the Perfume River on moonlit nights, enjoy the cool breezes, and listen to the melodious melodies, you will feel very peaceful, and your sorrows and sorrows will be washed away. end when you are able to manually release the lanterns carrying good wishes. 

Hue song on the Perfume River

Dropping flower lanterns is an interesting experience when listening to Hue songs on a full moon day. Photo:@namiunguyen_

Experience listening to Hue songs on the Perfume River that tourists should know 

For those who first experience listening to Hue songs on the Perfume River,  they will wonder how to buy tickets as well as the specific schedule. Currently, listening to Hue songs is a very hot experience that many tourists love, especially those who love traditional art and culture.

Visitors in need can directly contact the ticket sales of Hue songs at Toa Kham wharf. You can choose a flexible experience time frame, from 19h to 20h and from 20h to 21h. The normal ticket price is only 100,000 VND for Vietnamese tourists and 150,000 VND for foreign tourists.

Hue song on the Perfume River

Visitors can go to Toa Kham wharf to buy tickets. Photo: khamphahue

In addition, you can choose from a package tour or a tour combining dinner and listening to Hue songs on the Perfume River at a higher price. For individual guests, the dragon boat will provide food services as well as souvenirs, visitors can choose according to their needs. 

Hue song on the Perfume River

Listening to Hue songs is an experience that you will never forget. Photo: dulichhue

Traveling to the ancient capital, in addition to the temples and mausoleums, listening to Hue songs on the Perfume River will certainly be a great experience. Listening to the passionate tunes of Hue songs in the vast space, and immersing in traditional culture will surely be something you will want to enjoy many times in your life. 

Photo: Internet 

Come to the ancient capital, you must listen to Hue songs on the Huong River and immerse yourself in the nostalgic sounds 

Source: vinlove