Conquering Ngu Chi Son mountain, ‘bathing’ yourself in a sea of ​​white clouds as beautiful as a paradise

Compass Travel Vietnam
Conquering Ngu Chi Son mountain, ‘bathing’ yourself in a sea of ​​white clouds as beautiful as a paradise

Ngu Chi Son mountain range is known as the “first heroic mountain” of the Northwest with its difficult trekking route, which contains many challenges for backpackers.

Where is Ngu Chi Son mountain?

Ngu Chi Son Mountain is 5 mountains located in Ta Giang Phinh commune, Sa Pa town, in the Hoang Lien Son range. These 5 mountains concurrently border Son Binh commune, Tam Duong district, and Lai Chau province. Therefore, visitors can come here in two directions: Sapa or Lai Chau as they like. 
 Where is Ngu Chi Son mountain?Ngu Chi Son Mountain is located in Sapa town. Photo: @thuyljke

The name Ngu Chi Son comes from the fact that 5 mountains are close together, looking like 5 fingers pointing straight up to the blue sky, extremely majestic and mysterious. The average height of these 5 mountains is 2858 meters above sea level. Currently, locals have only discovered the two highest peaks located at 2,858 meters and 2,853 meters.
 Where is Ngu Chi Son mountain?Ngu Chi Son possesses diverse vegetation with an altitude of 2858 meters. Photo: @nhungk0i

Today, Ngu Chi Son is considered the most majestic mountain range in the Northwest, with four seasons submerged in a sea of ​​white clouds and green vegetation all year round. The scenery is so beautiful, but this is also a very difficult mountain range to conquer because the terrain has many slopes, and the forest has many big trees that are difficult to go.
 Where is Ngu Chi Son mountain?More and more young people are trekking Ngu Chi Son. Photo: @hunggggg249

To climb Ngu Chi Son mountain, visitors have to move to Suoi Thau 2 village, about 25 km from Sapa. From here, you’ll contact your local guide for assistance. The climbing journey is full of difficulties, you should not go alone if you do not have experience.

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What’s so beautiful about Ngu Chi Son mountain?

Ngu Chi Son Mountain is not only unique because the 5 mountains are facing the same sky, but also very beautiful and magnificent. The cliffs stand up to the sky, the diverse vegetation forms mysterious forests. All create a famous heroic mountain throughout the Northwest, welcoming all visitors to conquer.
 What is beautiful about Ngu Chi Son mountain?A sea of ​​white clouds floats around the top of Ngu Chi Son mountain. Photo: @ducpham.2805

To know how beautiful this mountain is, you must travel to Sapa , must directly climb the mountain, overcome many difficulties and feel the beauty every step of the way. Right from the foothills, you can see the primeval forests appearing before your eyes. The higher you go, the more diverse the scenery is with old forests, cliffs and white clouds.
 What is beautiful about Ngu Chi Son mountain?This is one of the difficult mountain ranges to conquer in the Northwest. Photo: @zickieloox

According to the experience of climbing Ngu Chi Son , the journey from the foot of the mountain to the top is about 12 km. However, this is a relatively difficult journey, even for professional mountaineers. But in return, when you set foot on the top of the mountain, you will enjoy the beautiful sea of ​​white clouds, and see the tops of Fansipan, Nhiu Co San, Bach Moc, and Lao Than in the distance.
 What is beautiful about Ngu Chi Son mountain?Year-round submerged in white clouds, fog. Photo: @vietnam_travel_media

The beautiful scenery on Ngu Chi Son mountain at dawn is as beautiful as a fairyland, the golden sun shines through the white clouds, the sky is high and blue, and the fresh air is so beautiful and eloquent. The more sunny days are, the more beautiful the scenery on the top of Ngu Chi Son is.
 What is beautiful about Ngu Chi Son mountain?Rewards for those who successfully conquer Ngu Chi Son peak. Photo: @hoathachthao0508

The journey to conquer this mountain is usually divided into 3 arcs. Visitors will follow a local guide to reach the top, avoiding getting lost as well as crashing during the climb.

The first route takes you through streams with cool water, approaching high rocks to reach the 1300-meter mark. Although it is only the beginning, you will see many challenges when green mossy rocks appear in front of you. 
 What is beautiful about Ngu Chi Son mountain?The sunnier it is, the more beautiful the scenery on the top of the mountain. Photo: @saohenuoc

The first leg is so beautiful, but there will be some hard parts. In addition, you also pass by the green cardamom gardens that people grow along the mountainside, so beautiful and peaceful.

The second trekking route is when you will start walking along the ravine. From this position, visitors can see the majestic Cau May waterfall flowing day and night, white foaming water just like a floating cloud. Just keep going, you will reach the 2400 meter mark to clearly feel the overwhelming cold, along with the white fog that looks like a fairyland.
 What is beautiful about Ngu Chi Son mountain?Visitors must pass many journeys before reaching the top of the mountain. Photo: @nguyen.daido

The last route is the time when you will feel the most tired, but at the same time, the scenery appears more and more beautiful. The closer you approach the altitude of 2800 meters, the more clearly you will see white clouds floating, the Northwest sky and land appear full of majesty, beauty beyond words can describe.
 What is beautiful about Ngu Chi Son mountain?Watch the romantic sunrise on the top of Ngu Chi Son. Photo: @thailand__vietnam

On the top of Ngu Chi Son mountain, visitors enjoy taking pictures, watching the scenery, catching the sunset, or simply enjoying the feeling of being small in the midst of nature, heaven and earth. What could be more wonderful when you yourself have conquered a mountain that is known as the most difficult to climb in the Northwest?

Experience climbing Ngu Chi Son

Ngu Chi Son is not as famous as Ta Xua , Bach Moc Luong Tu, Fansipan, etc. and has only recently been known by many people. Therefore, the climbing road is quite difficult to go to, the slope is high, and there is a little phone signal.
 Experience climbing Ngu Chi Son mountainThe climb is full of difficulties. Photo: @nhungk0i

Those who have conquered this beautiful mountain in the Northwest share that you should climb in the dry season from December to May. Avoid June to August because the rainy season is wet, the road is slippery and easy to fall. December is the most beautiful time for you to hunt clouds, and spring is the time when nature is fresh with hundreds of flowers blooming and blooming.
 Experience climbing Ngu Chi Son mountainDecember – May is a beautiful time for climbing. Photo: @john_hall_1982

For a smooth climbing journey, you need to wear sportswear, climbing shoes, thermal clothing, warm coats, sleeping bags, towels, flashlights, gloves, ropes, drinking water, food, and simple medical tools… to ensure your own safety.
 Experience climbing Ngu Chi Son mountainInternational guests are also passionate about conquering Ngu Chi Son. Photo: @pam_had

Climbing is an activity that brings a lot of challenges. Therefore, you need to practice physical strength and necessary skills. In addition, you should go in groups and hire local people to guide you to avoid getting lost or having unexpected problems. 
 Experience climbing Ngu Chi Son mountainFor a smooth climb, you need to be well-prepared. Photo: @jms.films

Ngu Chi Son Mountain is one of the most beautiful and charming mountains in the Northwest, attracting more and more trekking tourists. To successfully conquer this mountain, in addition to passion, you need to be fully prepared in terms of health, ensure a successful and smooth climb and return with memorable memories. 

Photo: Instagram

Conquering Ngu Chi Son mountain, ‘bathing’ yourself in a sea of ​​white clouds as beautiful as a paradise

Source: vinlove