Consecutively winning big catches, fishermen make hundreds of millions

Compass Travel Vietnam
Consecutively winning big catches, fishermen make hundreds of millions

In 5 days, a fisherman’s boat in Ha Tinh won a total of more than 10 tons of croakers, returned to the shore, and sold nearly 400 million VND.

In the past few days, Mr. Le Xuan Tien’s boat (60 years old, residing in Cam Nhuong commune, Cam Xuyen district, Ha Tinh province) returned to shore with a compartment full of fish.

Mr. Tien said, every day for about 2 hours, his 115CV boat goes out to sea with a total of 10 workers. Fishing means in the waters of Cua Nhuong, Islet Boc, Hon En (Ha Tinh territory), about 6-7 nautical miles from the shore.

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Tien’s fisherman’s boat returned to shore with a compartment full of sharks (Photo: Huong Thanh).

For 5 consecutive days (February 5-10), the boat was hit by large catches of croaker, bringing a total of more than 10 tons.

“We call traders to buy them all at the wharf. The price of sharks, depending on the size and size, ranges from 20,000 VND to 60,000 VND/kg. Up to now, we have sold nearly 400 million VND, minus the cost, each person has their own money. income 15-20 million dong,” said Mr. Tien.($1=24,000 VND)

According to fishermen with nearly 40 years of working with the sea, to catch such fish, in addition to luck, experience and detectors are needed.

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For 5 consecutive days, Mr. Tien’s boat won more than 10 tons of fish (Photo: Huong Thanh).

When he discovered a large stream of fish, Mr. Tien steered a boat to block their passage, then dropped a 300m-long net to surround it, forming an arc.

With a catch of 3-4 tons, the fishermen had to pull together for an hour to bring the net up and fill the cavity.

“Every fisherman has been attached to the sea for decades, so he doesn’t feel tired. At the beginning of the year, when we caught so much, we were very excited,” said Mr. Tien excitedly.

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Crocodile, depending on the type large and small, has a price ranging from 20,000-60,000 VND/kg (Photo: Huong Thanh).($1=24,000 VND)

The flounder has an oval body, small scales, a large head, and the thickest part of the back. The meat of the flounder is soft and fleshy, the taste is sweet, and the tail is fatty, so it is popular with many people.

According to statistics from the Cam Nhuong Commune People’s Committee, the locality currently has more than 250 ships and boats of all kinds, of which 87 are fishing near the shore. In the first 40 days of 2023, fishermen in the commune caught more than 100 tons of aquatic products and seafood of all kinds, an increase of 30% over the same period last year

Photo: Internet (

Consecutively winning big catches, fishermen make hundreds of millions

Source: vinlove