Discover the unique but accidentally ‘forgotten’ sticky rice dish in Hue

Compass Travel Vietnam
Discover the unique but accidentally ‘forgotten’ sticky rice dish in Hue

Sticky rice with pork hon is a delicious dish in Hue but rarely mentioned.

When asked about delicious dishes in Hue, it is not difficult to list a series of famous names such as beef vermicelli, Banh Beo, filter cake, Nam cake, mussel rice…

Meanwhile, pork sticky rice will be a strange dish for most visitors, because not everyone knows the unique culinary combination that was once associated with the ancient capital, especially popular in the old days. cold rainy days and even indispensable in the old Tet tray.

Discover the unique but accidentally 'forgotten' sticky rice dish in Hue - Photo 1.

Sticky rice with hon is a unique dish in the ancient capital.(Photo: kelvinphoto)

In terms of form, it is easier to think of sticky rice with meat than curry because this is a dish that is modified and created by the Hue people from the curry spices of the Indians. Although it looks similar to curry, once enjoyed, diners will immediately feel the pure Vietnamese flavor imbued in each piece of sticky rice.

Discover the unique but accidentally 'forgotten' sticky rice dish in Hue - Photo 2.

The dish consists of sticky rice and pork ribs or pork rolls simmered with a variety of spices.(Photo: donghovy87)

Served with soft and sweet white sticky rice is pork chop – an ingredient made up of elaborately processed pork rolls or young ribs. Usually, the leg will be the most preferred part.

After being carefully prepared, the pork rolls will be cut into bite-sized pieces, marinated with five spices, curry powder, turmeric powder, minced onion garlic, lemongrass, white wine, soy sauce, fish sauce … to absorb the special aroma. show. The meat will then be placed in a pot of medium-high water, simmering over low heat until the water is half dry.

Discover the unique but accidentally 'forgotten' sticky rice dish in Hue - Photo 3.

Pork rolls are the most commonly used part of pork chops.(Photo: matgkitchen)

A pot of Hue meat also has a familiar ingredient that is peanuts. The beans will be boiled, then put into the pot when the water has gradually dried up. Meat and peanuts are stewed together until fully cooked, absorbed and full of attractive aroma.

Discover the unique but accidentally 'forgotten' sticky rice dish in Hue - Photo 4.

Eye-catching meat products.(Photo: joliecuisine)

When enjoying, pork sticky rice is served with two separate bowls, one side is a bowl of sticky white sticky rice, the other one contains the eye-catching meat. Diners, when eating, will themselves pour gravy into the sticky rice, slowly enjoying the unique combination of sticky rice and curry flavor.

The fatty, bold pieces of pork belly are full of attractive flavors when combined with flexible white glutinous rice seeds.(Photo: eatingwithchangechang)

The sticky rice is attractive with soft sticky rice seeds mixed with sweet and fatty pork rolls, not too greasy because of less fat but soft enough not to feel dry because of a lot of lean. The characteristic fleshy taste of peanuts will be the ingredients that add to the interestingness of the dish.

Discover the unique but accidentally 'forgotten' sticky rice dish in Hue - Photo 6.

Not as famous as many other “country” dishes such as beef vermicelli, filter cake,… but sticky rice with meat still has all the charm of a delicious dish.(Photo: eatingwithchangechang)

It’s unique, but nowadays, it’s not easy to find a restaurant with the right style of sticky rice in Hue. A delicious dish containing sophistication by the combination of many typical spices, created by the talented hands of the people of the ancient capital, it would be a pity if this unique flavor is no longer available. enjoy and appreciate.

So if you have a chance, try once to Hue to hunt for this unique flavor that is in danger of being forgotten!

Photo: Internet

Discover the unique but accidentally ‘forgotten’ sticky rice dish in Hue

Source: vinlove