Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?

Compass Travel Vietnam
Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?

Every year, from September to December will be the most brilliant season for this fruit across the mountains and hills in Da Lat.

Da Lat has always been one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. On holidays, this place often welcomes millions of visitors, both domestic and foreign. According to information on People’s Daily, statistics in the first 6 months of 2022 show that the number of visitors to Da Lat is more than 3.7 million.

The factors that make the city of thousands of flowers attractive to visitors can be mentioned such as rich natural scenery, mild and pleasant weather, or delicious and attractive specialties …

Da Lat – one of the cities that attracts the most tourists in the country.(Illustration)

Tourists often spread word of mouth, going to Da Lat every season is beautiful. So this coming September, what does Da Lat have?

On forums and groups about Da Lat tourism, countless photos with alternating green and orange colors appeared. Those are the images of ripe rose gardens in the land of thousands of flowers. Every year, from September to December, it will be a brilliant pink season all over the mountains and hills in Da Lat.

Pink in Da Lat

Persimmon is a fruit tree of the Thi family, when ripe, it is red-yellow in color, with few seeds, sweet and aromatic taste. Persimmon grows well when grown in temperate climates. Therefore, it can be said that in our country, Da Lat is one of the most suitable places to grow this plant.

As mentioned above, from about late August to early September, the rose gardens in Da Lat will gradually change from green to orange. Between September and October is the most beautiful time when the rose garden has both ripe pink and green leaves.

By November, the leaves on the persimmon trees will gradually fall off, leaving only the colors of ripe persimmons dotted throughout the mountains.

Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?  - Photo 2.

The fruit-laden persimmon trees in Da Lat.(Photo by Quang Da Lat – Group addicted to Da Lat)

Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?  - Photo 3.


Each time the rose garden will have its own beauty. Visitors to Dalat in the pink season will admire the beautiful gardens.

According to information on Lam Dong Newspaper, currently in Da Lat there are up to 370 hectares of persimmon growing area, stretching from gardens in the city to the valleys and hills.

Areas with many rose gardens can be mentioned such as the road to Xuan Truong commune (Cau Dat tea hill), the area near Bao Dai palace III (Trieu Viet Vuong street, ward 2, Da Lat city), the area of ​​​​the mountain pass. Mimosa (old Prenn pass) or D’ran area.

The ripe pink color, when viewed from afar, is likened by many tourists to dancing flames on the green hills.

Visiting Dalat rose garden

In recent years, the experience of visiting rose gardens has become popular and loved by most tourists when coming to Da Lat.

Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?  - Photo 4.

Many tourists, especially young people, enjoy checking-in with the rose garden.(Photo by Quang Da Lat – Group addicted to Da Lat)

Not only sightseeing, visitors can also hand-pick ripe persimmons and buy them as gifts for family and relatives. Here are some suggestions for rose garden locations visitors can refer to.

1. Tom’s Rose Garden

Address: National Highway 20, Xuan Truong, Da Lat

Tom’s rose garden has an area of ​​​​about 10,000m2, including 300 roses with an age of about 30 years. The old persimmon trees, which have been around for a long time, with the daily careful care of people, every September, are full of fruit.

2. Thai Long Rose Garden

Address: No. 31D, Khe Sanh, Ward 10, Da Lat City

With a wild look between the mountains and hills, the Thai Long rose garden makes visitors feel like they are immersed in the fresh atmosphere of nature here.

The garden is 40,000 square meters. Besides the persimmon trees with beautiful red and yellow fruits, the grass beneath the feet in the Thai Long rose garden can also make visitors take beautiful virtual pictures.

3. Le Van Rose Garden

Address: No. 45, Khe Sanh, Ward 10, Da Lat City

Continue to be a rose garden located on Khe Sanh street, ward 10, Da Lat city. Also because Khe Sanh is the street with the most rose gardens in the city.

Not only seeing and picking persimmons, visitors coming here can also witness with their own eyes the process of making dried persimmons, dried persimmons or hanging persimmons – famous specialties of Da Lat.

Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?  - Photo 5.

Dong Ngo’s photo.

4. Coffee shops

Da Lat is famous for its cafes on the hill or in the valley. In some shops, visitors can also see some persimmon trees, which are planted inside the premises.

Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?  - Photo 6.

A coffee shop with a ripe persimmon tree.(Illustration)

Fresh and dried persimmon specialties

There are many varieties and varieties of Da Lat persimmon but mainly two types: water persimmon and crispy persimmon. Persimmon water includes flexible persimmons, persimmons (egg persimmons) used for fresh eating, squeezing juice and making pink vinegar seasoning in famous Dalat salads.

Crispy persimmon, also known as square persimmon, cup rose, is the most popular variety. When ripe, crispy persimmon has a light sweet, aromatic and blistering taste.

In the past, people only harvested ripe persimmons to sell, make jam or dry. Currently, people in Da Lat switch to harvesting persimmons when the fruit is just old and processed into crispy persimmons.

Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?  - Photo 7.

Persimmons ripen when harvested.(Photo by Quang Da Lat – Group addicted to Da Lat)

In this way, persimmons are not only convenient in transportation, but also for a long time, the quality remains crispy and sweet. The most famous dish is the persimmon hanging by the wind.

In the pink season of Da Lat, you will see along the roads, big markets, and small markets, everywhere selling ripe persimmon stalls. There are also dried persimmons, flexible persimmons, dried persimmon jam…

According to information on Lam Dong Newspaper, each crop, Da Lat provides a total of nearly 4500 tons of persimmons, including all types of persimmons.

Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?  - Photo 8.
Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?  - Photo 9.

Wind hanging persimmon – a famous specialty of Da Lat.(Photo by Nguyen Thang – Group addicted to Da Lat)

Da Lat persimmon is not only a delicious fruit, a meaningful gift, but it also has valuable medical values. Pink powder, rose stalk, persimmon peel and flesh are all medicinal herbs such as curing hiccups, treating enteritis, dysentery, skin allergies, treating high blood pressure, cough…

With an average price of 10,000 – 12,000 VND/kg, at peak times up to 30,000 VND/kg, persimmon trees are really bringing in a lot of income for farmers here.

Fall to Dalat: Who can resist the charm of this fruit?

Source: vinlove