Ky Co 2022 Travel Guide from A-Z: accommodation, dining, specialties… the latest

Compass Travel Vietnam
Ky Co 2022 Travel Guide from A-Z: accommodation, dining, specialties… the latest

Bai Ky Co is located in Nhon Ly commune, Binh Dinh province – about 25 km northeast of Quy Nhon city. Because one side is bordered by the sea, the other three are hills and mountains, the landscape here is quite charming.

Ky Co sea water has two colors, the clear and shallow water near the shore is blue, and the sea in the distance is dark. From about April to September, the weather is beautiful, the seabed is airtight is the most suitable time to come here.

Photo: Trung Hao


To get to Ky Co beach, taking a canoe is the most convenient. The fishermen here have canoe or boat service from Eo Gio to Ky Co. Visitors will experience the feeling of floating on the water, and watching the majestic Nhon Ly mountain.

Photo: Trung Hao

A more challenging option ride a motorbike along the mountain road to the beach. You start from Suoi Ca bridge, go along the side of Phuong Mai mountain to the south. However, this road is only suitable for people with hard steering. You should go in groups to support each other when needed.

On the way back to Quy Nhon city, you should drive slowly to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the whole Nhon Ly sea, Phuong Mai peninsula.

If you’re leaving on the same day, you can book the boat owner’s all-inclusive service. They prepare fresh seafood, ready to take to the beach to help visitors enjoy lunch in the charming landscape.

The trip to Ky Co costs about 250,000 – 400,000 VND per person, including round-trip canoe services and meals. Ticket price to Ky Co beach resort is 100,000 VND one time for adults, 50,000 VND one time for children.

What play

In addition to swimming and diving to see the coral, conquering the mountains or going to the cool streams with clear water flowing through the old forest will be very interesting. You can climb the mountain next to the beach to see the landscape of Ky Co beach from above and record the moments imprinted here. The mountain has a gentle slope, easy to climb, but it is best not to go alone.

The tide in Ky Co island makes the mysterious cave exposed, visitors can explore, pry milk oysters on the cliffs, find snails, sea cucumbers … crammed in the cliffs. In the afternoon, you can watch the sunset, cover the whole island with gold, and watch flocks of birds fly back to their nests.

For those who love to explore, camping overnight at Ky Co will be a memorable experience. Bring tents, seafood (crown fish, oysters, snails… specialties of Nhon Ly sea) for BBQ. Listen to the sound of waves at night, watch the sunrise on Ky Co beach in the morning, to fully enjoy the wild beauty of this place.

Photo: Trung Hao

If you have time left on the journey, you can visit more Hon Scar, Hon Can and Yen Island next to Ky Co.

Choosing a two-day and one-night trip to enjoy more sunsets and sunrises at sea will give you a more immersive experience.


Eat what

The meal prepared by the fishermen themselves from fresh and freshly caught seafood will make you fall in love with Ky Co more. Crayfish, cockles, snails… are specialties of the Nhon Ly sea area.

Photo: Ma Lum


Normally, tourists only go to Ky Co island during the day, then return to Quy Nhon to rest, where there are many hotels and motels depending on your requirements. If you spend the night on the island, you should prepare necessary tools such as tents, canvas, water, clothes, lighters, knives… because there is no electricity and fresh water here.

In addition, Ky Co is quite hot, there are no trees, and the shaded areas are huts that are not built much. Therefore, visitors should pay attention to health issues.

Let’s collect the garbage and bring it back to the mainland. Maintain cleanliness, so that nature retains its inherent wild beauty, not adversely affected by tourists.

Ky Co 2022 Travel Guide from A-Z: accommodation, dining, specialties… the latest

Source: vinlove