Only selling flowers every New Year at the gate of Quang Ba flower market, a man from Bac Giang collects hundreds of millions of dong/per year

Compass Travel Vietnam
Only selling flowers every New Year at the gate of Quang Ba flower market, a man from Bac Giang collects hundreds of millions of dong/per year

When the appointment came up again, the Lunar New Year was approaching, and Mr. Dao Xuan Vu (65 years old) again arranged flowers at the gate of Quang Ba market to serve Hanoians to play Tet.

Mr. Dao Xuan Vu (65 years old, from Luc Nam, Bac Giang) is a familiar face at the Quang Ba flower market area (Tay Ho district, Hanoi).

Because every year, about 2 months before the new year, Mr. Vu prepared all kinds of flowers for sale at the gate of Quang Ba market, serving Hanoians to play Tet.

Mr. Vu said that he started to fall in love with the job of selling flowers in 1993 after the “deal” of importing a few peach trees from Lao Cai for 5,000 VND, bringing them back to Bac Giang to sell during Tet for 110,000 VND.($1=25,000 VND)

Only selling flowers every Tet at the gate of Quang Ba flower market, a man from Bac Giang collects hundreds of millions of dong/year - 1

  • The area selling Tet flowers of Mr. Dao Xuan Vu (65 years old, from Luc Nam, Bac Giang), at the gate of Quang Ba flower market (Tay Ho, Hanoi). Photo: Bao Minh

Realizing that the profit from selling flowers was enough to take care of his family’s life, Mr. Vu began to learn about flowers and attached his life to trading and selling flowers every Tet holiday.

He affirmed, if there is no profit of at least 100-200 million VND/year, he will not do it, because this is a source of income so that he can take care of expenses such as the cost of importing/transporting flowers and premises. , electricity, water … to store, sell flowers.

Mr. Vu revealed that among peach, apricot, plum and pear flowers, only pear flowers can be played the earliest and also play the longest.

Only selling flowers every New Year at the gate of Quang Ba flower market, a man from Bac Giang collects hundreds of millions of dong/year - 2

About 30 days before the Lunar New Year , pear flowers, plum flowers with loose branches are sold by Mr. Vu and traders for 50,000 – 100,000 VND/bundle. Photo: Bao Minh

“Pearl flower players can play more than a month before the Lunar New Year and play until March 8 – International Women’s Day. Therefore, every year, pear flowers are welcomed early by players. Particularly for peach blossoms, if they are played before the Lunar New Year about a month, they will have to change flowers near the Lunar New Year, “Mr. Vu said.

With more than 20 years of experience in flower trading, Mr. Vu said that Tet flowers originating from high mountain forests are more durable and last longer than flowers cared for in the garden.  

Also because the durability cannot be equal to mountain flowers, Mr. Vu said that close to the Lunar New Year for nearly a month, he just started importing peach flowers from peach gardens in Hanoi to sell Tet.

Only selling flowers every Tet at the gate of Quang Ba flower market, a man from Bac Giang collects hundreds of millions of dong/year - 3

Close-up of pear and plum blossom branches imported from Lao Cai by Mr. Vu, displayed at the gate of Quang Ba flower market to serve flower players. Photo: Bao Minh

Mr. Vu said that people with money often tend to have beautiful ornamental plants, the price is also more expensive. In the years before the COVID-19 epidemic, a beautiful peach tree and plum branch could be sold for from 6.5 to 7 million VND, but in 2 years of the COVID-19 epidemic, the lower price could only be sold. with prices from 2.5 to 3 million.

Only selling flowers every New Year at the gate of Quang Ba flower market, a man from Bac Giang collects hundreds of millions of dong/year - 4

As a person with more than 20 years of experience in flower trading, Mr. Vu said that flowers with algae, moss or other plants that survive on the trunk are preferred by customers. Photo: Bao Minh

“Plum flowers and pear flowers originating from Lao Cai can be played for a long time. With moss growing around the trunk is the most beautiful and the price will range from 500,000 to 700,000 VND / branch”, Mr. Vu said.

Currently, on the eve of the Lunar New Year, about 30 days before the Lunar New Year, pear flowers, plum flowers with loose branches are sold by Mr. Vu and traders for between 50,000 – 100,000 VND/bundle and 300,000 – 700,000 VND/branch. 

With the business and production situation prospering after the COVID-19 epidemic, Mr. Vu and the small traders at Quang Ba flower market hope that this year’s flower consumption will be better compared to the years affected by the disease.

Thereby, customers can also welcome a New Year in the most normal state and in the most secure mind.

Photo: Internet (

Only selling flowers every New Year at the gate of Quang Ba flower market, a man from Bac Giang collects hundreds of millions of dong/per year

Source: vinlove