Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don – Mong Cai highway before the day of opening

Compass Travel Vietnam
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don – Mong Cai highway before the day of opening

The Van Don – Mong Cai expressway will open to traffic, completing the expressway from Lao Cai through Hanoi, Hai Phong to Mong Cai city, becoming the longest seamless highway in Vietnam.

The Van Don – Mong Cai expressway will open to traffic, completing the expressway from Lao Cai through Hanoi, Hai Phong to Mong Cai city, becoming the longest seamless highway in Vietnam.

Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 1.
On August 20, Mr. Cao Tuong Huy, Standing Vice Chairman of Quang Ninh Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the completion of construction organization and preparation for the inauguration of Van Don – Mong Cai expressway scheduled to take place on September 1.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before the day of opening - Photo 2.
According to the leader of the Quang Ninh Provincial People’s Committee, the Van Don – Mong Cai Expressway is the pride of the Quang Ninh people, setting expectations for new development when the road is formed, bringing many different values, and expressing thoughts renew.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before the day of opening - Photo 3.
The route put into use will be synchronously and interconnected with the Lao Cai – Hanoi – Hai Phong – Ha Long – Van Don expressways, forming the longest highway in Vietnam (nearly 600 km), Quang Ninh is the longest highway in Vietnam. the province with the largest number of highway kilometers in the country (176/1,046 km)
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 4.
The total length of the expressway is 80 km. The first point of the expressway is located near Van Don international airport and the end point is connected to Bac Luan 2 bridge (Mong Cai city, Quang Ninh province), with a total initial investment of nearly 13,000 billion VND.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 5.
In which, the Van Don – Tien Yen route is 16 km long, invested with the budget capital of Quang Ninh province.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 6.
The Tien Yen – Mong Cai route is invested in the form of a public-private partnership (PPP), a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) contract by Van Don Infrastructure Development and Investment Co., Ltd. Sun Group) as the investor.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before the day of opening - Photo 7.
The expressway has a 4-lane motorway with a width of 25.25 m, a design speed of 120 km/h according to TCVN 5729: 2012 (maximum design speed for highways in Vietnam). ).
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 8.
Van Don – Mong Cai Expressway is one of the highways with many bridges across the sea, across rivers and streams with 32 bridges on the main route with a total length of more than 7.9 km, accounting for 10% of the total length of the route.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 9.
In which, the Van Don – Tien Yen project has 7 bridges, with a total length of more than 3,800 m. Tien Yen Mong Cai project has 25 bridges, a total length of more than 3,600 m, Van Tien bridge crossing the sea is the longest in Quang Ninh province (more than 1,500 m).
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before the day of opening - Photo 10.
The completion of Van Don – Mong Cai Expressway will shorten the time from Mong Cai City to Ha Long City to 1 hour 30 minutes (going along Highway 18 takes about 3 hours); From Mong Cai to Hanoi only 3 hours (currently it takes 5.5 hours).
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before the opening day - Photo 11.
This expressway passes through many sea and mountain areas, construction contractors in extremely difficult and complicated conditions, but still ensure the quality, technique, art and schedule as set out.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before the opening day - Photo 12.
According to the report of the project investor, the work of completing the final items is being carried out urgently, speeding up completion, organizing construction continuously in all 3 shifts with many crews, ensuring quality, progress as planned (before August 28), for the work to be inaugurated and put into operation on September 1.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 13.
Van Tien – the longest sea-crossing bridge in Quang Ninh province on the Van Don – Mong Cai highway.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 14.
The collection of tolls for using road services for the Tien Yen – Mong Cai expressway is carried out by closed toll collection method and implemented in the form of non-stop (ETC).
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before the opening day - Photo 15.
Km112+900 is the toll station at the beginning of the route and Km146+500 is the toll station at the end of the line.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 16.
Tien Yen toll station on Van Don – Mong Cai highway is equipped with a modern information technology system.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 17.
The intelligent traffic system ITS is equipped with modern equipment with a total of 66 CCTV cameras that can observe and clearly see objects at a distance of 1 km, continuously recording 24/24h in all weather conditions.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 18.
On the construction site, regardless of day and night, hundreds of workers are divided into many shifts to urgently execute items such as asphalt carpets, paint road markings, and install sign systems… to keep up with the handover schedule.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 19.
As of August 19, Van Don – Mong Cai expressway has completed 98% of the progress.
Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don - Mong Cai highway before opening day - Photo 20.
For the preparation for the inauguration of the project, the investor is coordinating with localities within the route passing through to develop detailed plans, carry out a review of the entire route, clean the industry, and select the location of the organization. The inauguration ceremony, decoration…

Photo: Internet

Photo: Panoramic view of Van Don – Mong Cai highway before the day of opening

Source: vinlove