Praying together, pouring oil on the jade emperor’s body

Compass Travel Vietnam
Praying together, pouring oil on the jade emperor’s body

HO CHI MINH CITY – Many people crowded into the main hall of Ngoc Hoang Pagoda, District 1 to offer ceremonies and pour oil to hope for a smooth and peaceful business…, on the morning of the 9th of Tet.

On January 9 (January 30), many people flock to Phuoc Hai Pagoda, also known as Ngoc Hoang Pagoda (Mai Thi Luu Street, District 1) to worship the Jade Emperor. According to folk beliefs: “On the 8th we worship the stars, on the 9th we worship the gods, on the 10th we worship the earth”. Therefore, on this day many people flock to the temple to pray for luck and peace for themselves and their families.

At 9am, in front of the temple gate was congested, the civil defense force and the police were on duty to regulate traffic. The parking lot in the temple is full, the parking spots are spontaneously crowded with the price of 20,000 VND a car.($1=24,000 VND)

The pagoda was originally a shrine to the Jade Emperor, built by the Chinese in the early 20th century. The pagoda is said to be a famous sacred place in Saigon, where former US President Barack Obama visited in May 2016.

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In front of the temple yard and the entrance to the main hall were crowded with people to visit the Jade Emperor. The temple must send people to regulate pilgrims in the aisles to avoid congestion and chaos.

Many guests who are company employees bring gifts to pray for a prosperous and lucky new year.

Inside the main hall was crowded with people performing the ceremony. The pagoda encourages people to only use candles (candles) to pray, not to use incense to avoid suffocating smoke.

Pouring oil is the most important ritual in the Jade Emperor’s life. The bottles of cooking oil are poured into the altar lamp in front of the Jade Emperor Palace and there is always someone standing to pour into the offering lamp.

Mrs. Nguyen Lan (wearing glasses) tries to pour oil herself to show her respect to the Jade Emperor. “Putting cooking oil into the lamp means adding smoothness and smoothness in everything. The worshiper will say his name and wish while pouring,” said the 63-year-old woman.

In other shrines also crowded with people, everyone tried to touch the statue, raise their hands over the worshiping fire… to hope for all the best in the new year.

After worshiping and offering offerings, Mr. Tran Minh Hung and his son rang the bell and rubbed the horse statue. “On Tet or on full moon days, I always go to the temple to do the ceremony. I just lightly touch the statue in the hope of being blessed with luck and money,” Hung said.

Everyone tries to ask for blessings, including fruit, rice… to bring back after the temple ceremony. “I ask for a tangerine in the temple of the Jade Emperor, and I will bring it home and divide it with each person for good luck at the beginning of the year,” said Mr. Tran Ngoc Han, Thu Duc district.

After making offerings to all the shrines, people ask for numbers, amulets, worship stars, etc. with the belief that they will receive the protection and blessings of the gods.

Guards are on duty at four corners reminding pilgrims to order, queue, do not go in the opposite direction and do the ceremony for too long… To ensure security, on this occasion, the temple has more than 10 guards working around the clock. to the full moon of January.

The pond in the middle of the yard is also crowded with people sightseeing, worshiping idols, watching fish…

 ( According to vnexpress )

Praying together, pouring oil on the jade emperor’s body

Source: vinlove