Satisfied with the largest flower capital in the country: Take care of the whole year, in mid-December, you will know which garden won

Compass Travel Vietnam
Satisfied with the largest flower capital in the country: Take care of the whole year, in mid-December, you will know which garden won

About 850 hectares of Tet flowers of all kinds from many famous gardeners in Da Lat are preparing to “departure” for the 2023 Lunar New Year flower crop. According to gardeners, it is only in mid-December that they will know exactly which garden has won, yield or yield. No…

These days, people in key flower-growing areas of Lam Dong province are rushing to race against time when there is about a week left until the peak of the 2023 Lunar New Year flower crop.

In the traditional flower villages of Da Lat such as Thai Phien chrysanthemum village, Van Thanh flower village, and Ha Dong flower village… many gardeners are having to “eat and sleep” with flowers, devoted to fertilizing plants with the expectation that flowers will develop. good and bloom on the occasion of Tet. In addition, local farmers also grow some other flowers such as orchids, carnations, coins, etc.

The time close to the full moon of the December lunar month has an important meaning in assessing the growth process of plants as well as capturing the consumption situation of the Tet flower crop.

Satisfied with the largest flower capital in the country: Take care of the whole year, in mid-December, you will know which garden won - 1

Near Tet, many gardeners are having to “eat and sleep” with flowers

Da Lat (Lam Dong province) is one of the key flower-growing areas supplying the national market.

The main flowers of this year are still chrysanthemums, roses, lilies and some other types such as orchids, cycads, etc. Until the next appointment, the time of the Lunar New Year, people’s demand to buy Da Lat flowers. very high consumption.

Mr. Nguyen Dinh De (ward 12, Da Lat city, Lam Dong) has a total garden area of ​​about 4,500 m2; in which the family spends 1,500 m2 to sow chrysanthemums for Tet, the rest is produced for the full moon market in January.

Satisfied with the largest flower capital of the country: Take care of the whole year, in mid-December to know which garden won - 2

Gardeners are expected to harvest chrysanthemum flowers to supply the 2023 Lunar New Year market from December 25

This farmer shared: “The family has improved the land and started producing flowers for Tet from September 18 of the lunar calendar. To ensure good growth, the family has imported chrysanthemum seeds from a reputable company. Through monitoring the good growth of the plant, chrysanthemum is expected to be harvested to supply the 2023 Lunar New Year market from December 25.

Besides chrysanthemums, lilies are also the spearhead flowers of Thai Phien Flower Village farmers. Farmers Nguyen Van Huy planted seeds to serve the Tet market with about 500 m2 of double lilies. According to Mr. Huy, lilies, especially double cups, people have to order and import ready-made goods from abroad. 

Satisfied with the largest flower capital in the country: Take care of the whole year, in mid-December to know which garden won - 3

Double cup is a very popular flower in the market, especially during the upcoming Tet holiday

“To ensure this flower blooms on the occasion of the Lunar New Year, the family starts sowing from the 9th lunar month. This year’s double lily variety costs twice as much as regular lilies. This is a type of flower. Very popular with the market. Last year’s Tet flower crop, double lilies cost 380,000 – 450,000 VND / 5 branches, so my family has high expectations for this year’s flower crop.” ($1=25,000 VND)

And in Van Thanh flower village (ward 5), Mr. Nguyen Hung Vy, owner of a well-developed lily garden of more than 3,000m2, said: “This year the prices of materials, bulbs, and labor have all increased, right in mid-December. only know exactly which garden won, yield or not”. 

Mr. Dang Bao Vinh – Chairman of the Farmers’ Association in Ward 12, said that this year’s Lunar New Year flower crop, Thai Phien Flower Village in particular, and Ward 12 in general sowed about 114 hectares of flowers of all kinds. In which, lilies occupy about 12 hectares, the rest are chrysanthemums, gerbera, gladiolus, carnations… 

Satisfied with the largest flower capital in the country: Take care of the whole year, in mid-December to know which garden won - 4

Take care of the whole year, but in mid-December, you will know exactly which garden is successful, productive or not

Gardeners said that the prices of inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, gasoline, oil, and seedlings of this year’s Tet flower crop have all increased. Therefore, the investment and production of many households are also at a disadvantage.

However, this year’s Tet flower crop has favorable weather for plants to thrive, the market has many positive signals, so many gardeners still expect the Tet flower crop to achieve high profits.

Currently, the flower gardens are growing well, free of pests and diseases, and it is expected that the time when gardeners start harvesting flowers for the Lunar New Year market will start from the 25th lunar month.

The main market for Da Lat flowers is still Ho Chi Minh City, the Southeast provinces, the Central region and Hanoi.

Satisfied with the largest flower capital in the country: Take care of the whole year, in mid-December to know which garden won - 5

Tet flowers from the capital Da Lat will be supplied to major cities across the country

According to the Economic Department of Ho Chi Minh City. In Da Lat (Lam Dong), this year’s Tet flower crop, the whole city sowed about 850 hectares, an increase of 100 hectares compared to the same period in 2021. It is expected that this year’s Tet flower output will increase compared to the same period of 12 years. – 15%. In some flower villages of Da Lat, the work of preparing flowers for the market is being busy preparing by farmers. 

During the Lunar New Year in 2023, Dalat flower area is expected to supply nearly 200 million flowers to the market. The preparation of flowers for the Tet market has been prepared by households many months in advance. In order for Tet flowers to be of good quality, beautiful and to bloom on the occasion of Tet, many households have applied many care measures to make the flowers grow well. For many kinds of flowers, households have to import varieties from abroad to plant.

In 2022, the city’s Agriculture industry will develop stably. The average income in agricultural production of the city is about 470 million VND/ha, the flower growing model alone has an average income of 900 million to 1.2 billion VND/ha. Currently, households are producing stably and have high hopes for the income from this year’s Tet flower crop to reinvest and improve production capacity in the upcoming production seasons.($1=25,000 VND)

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Satisfied with the largest flower capital in the country: Take care of the whole year, in mid-December, you will know which garden won

Source: vinlove