Telling each other to feed the chickens super luxury, farmers earn half a billion dong a year

Compass Travel Vietnam
Telling each other to feed the chickens super luxury, farmers earn half a billion dong a year

Taking advantage of “home-grown” ginseng, Mr. Tot grinds to make food and drink for chickens. Thanks to that, the chickens grow healthy, have high nutritional value, and earn hundreds of millions of dong per year.

Chicken eats “treasure” to advance to the king

In the last days of May, Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Dung (in Lien Chung commune, Tan Yen district, Bac Giang province) constantly received phone calls asking to buy chickens as well as sharing her experience of raising chickens.

In the commune, Mrs. Dung and her husband are pioneers in feeding ginseng chickens. Her and her husband’s chickens sold to the market always get high prices thanks to the delicious meat quality.

Telling each other to feed super luxurious chickens, farmers earn half a billion dong a year - 1
Many households in Tan Yen district (Bac Giang) have succeeded with the model of raising herbal chickens.

Sharing about this unique breeding model, Ms. Dung said that the technique of raising chickens with herbs is not much different, the only feature is the source of drinking water for chickens from ginseng, a plant of local people. or called “treasures” given by God.

In early 2021, Ms. Dung’s family started researching and raising chickens to drink water from the stem, leaves and roots of ginseng instead of using antibiotics. Right at the first litter, the chicken flock of Ms. Dung’s family brought very high economic efficiency.

“Initially, my family experimented with about 1,000 chickens, in the breeding process, in addition to the usual foods, we grinded the stem and leaves of the ginseng plant and mixed it into food and mixed drinking water for the chickens.

Compared to normal, chickens that eat ginseng are disease-resistant, healthy, delicious meat quality, and cost 10,000-20,000 VND/kg higher, “said Dung. 

Telling each other to feed super luxurious chickens, farmers earn half a billion dong a year - 2
Chicken eating ginseng has good resistance, beautiful code, delicious meat.

After successfully experimenting on her family’s chickens, Ms. Dung introduced this breeding model to some households in neighboring communes. Up to now, after 2 years, many families have learned and applied successfully, each batch of herbal chickens is released, farmers can pocket from 100-200 million VND.

In 2022, the company of Ms. Dung’s family expands its breeding scale to more than 9,000 heads in 3 households in Hop Duc and Phuc Hoa communes. Ms. Dung is in charge of engineering, taking care of chicken feed and selling products for farmers.

Telling each other to feed the chickens with super luxury, farmers earn half a billion dong a year - 3
Compared with normal chickens, the cost of ginseng-eating chickens is from 10,000 to 20,000 VND/kg.

“The quality of mountain ginseng is equivalent to Korean ginseng, second only to Ngoc Linh ginseng. Therefore, chickens that eat male ginseng grow healthy, delicious meat is popular.

Since testing until now, the herbal chicken farming model is bringing high economic efficiency, helping to improve the economy for local farmers as well as creating its own chicken brand in Tan Yen district,” said Ms. Dung said.

Not in time to go to the market… out of stock

As one of many households successfully applying the herbal chicken farming model, in the past 3 years, Mr. Vi Van Tot’s family (51 years old, in Phuc Hoa commune, Tan Yen province) has continuously had a good income.

Mr. Tot’s farm has thousands of broiler chickens, both male and female, all healthy and beautiful. Currently, the farm is more than 5,000 m2 wide, growing lychee and ginseng in the mountains in combination with raising chickens in the garden.

Telling each other to feed super-luxury chickens, farmers earn half a billion dong a year - 4
Mr. Tot’s family makes use of the stems and leaves of the ginseng plant in the garden as chicken feed.

“My family has been raising chickens since 2013 until now, but only learned about the herbal chicken farming model around 2020. When I first heard about the news that chickens were fed ginseng, my wife and I were very surprised, until we saw that our neighbors raised chickens. According to this model for efficiency, my family boldly participated with the scale of more than 4,000 children,” said Mr. Tot.

According to Mr. Tot, 3 years since he and his wife fed the chickens with ginseng, the raising is much “more leisurely”. Chickens from the time they are caught to raise until they are released from the barn suffer little loss, not only that, they grow healthy and have few diseases.

“Without medicine for 4,000 chickens, my family has saved a lot of money. In previous years, even though the chickens were carefully cared for, there were still episodes of infection, stunting, bad looking, Very picky. The highest price of chicken at that time was 50,000 VND/kg, almost raising no profit, “said Mr. Tot.($1=24,000 VND)

Telling each other to feed super luxurious chickens, farmers earn half a billion dong a year - 5
Since giving the chickens ginseng water, the raising of Mrs. Hien’s family is no longer difficult.

Ms. Vi Thi Hien (49 years old, Mr. Tot’s wife) said that since feeding chickens and drinking ginseng juice, raising livestock is somewhat less difficult. Every morning, Mrs. Hien gets up early to put a 60-liter pot of water on the stove, after boiling, she puts the stem and finely ground ginseng leaves into the pot, after cooling, she divides it into troughs for the chickens to drink.

“One day, I give my chickens ginseng juice twice a day, then I give them more clean water. Food besides rice, corn, my family mixes with finely ground ginseng. Chickens when released from the barn are very firm and have nutritional value. High.

Traders, after consuming the first batch, now always go to the farm to collect goods, not bring them to the market like other industrially raised chicken breeds,” said Ms. Hien.

Telling each other to feed super luxurious chickens, farmers earn half a billion dong a year - 6
With each batch of chickens released from the barn, Ms. Hien’s family earns from 400-500 million VND.

Currently, the farm of Mrs. Hien’s family has more than 4,000 broiler chickens that are on sale. Each year, the farm can raise 2 litters, each batch sells more than 10 tons of broilers, with prices from 80,000-90,000 VND/kg. After deducting expenses, he and his wife have an income of 400-450 million VND/year.

“One year, we can raise 3 litters, but my husband and I don’t do that because we keep raising chickens that are big, easy to get sick, and have high risks. So, I raise 2 litters a year, at leisure, but chickens are healthy and have fewer diseases. “, said Mrs. Hien.

Photo: Internet (

Telling each other to feed the chickens super luxury, farmers earn half a billion dong a year

Source: vinlove