The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: ‘Having a heart attack does not make me falter’

Compass Travel Vietnam
The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: ‘Having a heart attack does not make me falter’

Health problems used to slow me down, but only slow down. I finally fulfilled my long-cherished dream.

Character: Travel Blogger Mavis Vi Vu Ky

6 years is a difficult time to judge whether it is long or short, but for me, it is a really meaningful journey. Starting from my first trip in my freshman year of university, I cherished the dream of one day traveling to all 63 provinces and cities across Vietnam.

And now, I have finally achieved that dream. Feeling now, after a few days of achieving this memorable milestone, I still feel happy, a very light and complete joy.

The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: Even having a heart attack did not make me falter - Photo 1.

I was on a trip to A Pa Chai – the westernmost point of the country.

I will describe my feeling about the country in 3 words, overwhelmed, poetic and full of pride.

I was “overwhelmed” so much by the majestic and beautiful scenery. And no matter how majestic, from the plains to the mountains, there is a very unique and pure “poetic” look. And these eyes look at Vietnam through the “proud” lens of the Vietnamese people.

The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: Even having a heart attack did not make me falter - Photo 2.

I still remember the feeling of excitement when making the first trip as well as the feeling of fulfillment when making the last “final” trip.

My “final” trip is a trip to some provinces of the Red River Delta and the Northeast. These can be mentioned as Hai Phong, Nam Dinh, Thai Binh or Lang Son. I planned the trip a few months ago carefully, because it means a lot.

In particular, among the places I will go are Binh Lieu and Thai Binh infinity sea. These are all famous tourist destinations with beautiful landscapes, especially in this October and November. I had to carefully watch the time when the reeds bloomed, and when the water in the infinity sea reached the ideal level.

The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: Even having a heart attack did not make me falter - Photo 3.
The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: Even having a heart attack did not make me falter - Photo 4.

I did this trip with my best friend. My friend was waiting in Hanoi, and I flew out from Saigon. Then the two of them roamed around together on a motorbike, taking turns driving for a week.

Initially, I was also very worried about the safety issue due to the weather, but then I decided to follow the plan and improvise. Fortunately, during the trip, the weather was favorable, the sky was blue and sunny, and we also met lovely people.

We were able to go through the beautiful roads of the Northeast, explore the Huu Lien Dong Lam steppe in Lang Son, see the beautiful border region of Binh Lieu in the white reed season, and eat Hai Phong with delicious specialties. great, go to the infinity sea to watch the sunrise or watch the ancient churches in Nam Dinh.

Most especially, during the trip, I accidentally encountered iridescent clouds. This is an extremely rare phenomenon. At that time, I thought, this must be a special gift from the universe to me.

The trip was not too long but it took me through a lot of emotions as well as aspects of travel. It is nature, food, culture and architecture. I think, this is a beautiful and complete ending, “finalizing” my 6-year journey to all 63 provinces and cities in Vietnam.

The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: Even having a heart attack did not make me falter - Photo 6.

In fact, his journey to conquer all 63 provinces could have ended sooner. Because right from the moment I started planning to go, go a lot, I have always tried and done everything to make it possible.

I used to work 2-3 jobs at the same time to have enough money for trips, there were trips without friends, I also picked up my backpack and went alone. However, in 2020 and 2021, my journey has been slightly delayed by the Covid-19 epidemic.

The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: Even having a heart attack did not make me falter - Photo 7.

In 2 years I had to postpone quite a few trips. But up to now, I think, the 6-year journey with me is deep enough, fitting and complete.

Through more than 70 domestic trips over the past 6 years, I have learned a lot, seen a lot of places, immersed in many cultures and met a lot of great friends on the roads along the North – Central – South.

I’ve also had a lot of difficulties, got lost, lost things, broke down my car or fallen into other funny situations. And the biggest event I encountered, was probably the event about my health.

At the beginning of this year, I had 3 severe heart attacks, almost life-threatening. At that time, I thought to myself, maybe I will have to stop the unfinished journey and can’t go anymore because my health doesn’t allow it.

But luckily everything is fine. After a period of rest and treatment, I continued to screw the throttle. My health may weaken, but my spirit never gives up. I accept that the trips will be a bit slower.

The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: Even having a heart attack did not make me falter - Photo 8.

Looking back 6 years, a thousand miles is just one step. I have lived a worthy youth and have no regrets. Motivation from the heart has helped me to complete the journey despite difficulties and challenges.

My heart flutters at the beautiful scenery, eager to learn through the events and experiences. Since then, it motivates me to continue making trips to new lands.

I am very happy because, after the journey, my parents are always behind me watching and supporting me. If you are lucky, maybe later when you get married, your husband will also accompany you on the trip.

The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: Even having a heart attack did not make me falter - Photo 9.
The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: Even having a heart attack did not make me falter - Photo 10.
The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: Even having a heart attack did not make me falter - Photo 11.

After completing the journey of 63 provinces, in the near future, I also plan to explore different countries around the world. However, as mentioned above, because of health conditions, I will probably go less and slow down, but not “fit” too much anymore. Life is always changing, but I will find ways to adapt and balance.

I hope that in the future after the step-by-step journeys to explore the vast and beautiful world out there when I get older, I can confidently say that “this life has no regrets!”

Photo: Internet

The 25-year-old girl spent 6 years traveling around Vietnam: ‘Having a heart attack does not make me falter’

Source: vinlove