Visit the 200-year-old ancient house of Quang Duc Xua in Phu Yen

Compass Travel Vietnam
Visit the 200-year-old ancient house of Quang Duc Xua in Phu Yen

An ancient space full of art imbued with the ancient South Central culture, the beauty of the old royal palace full of nostalgia is what you will feel when you visit the ancient house of Quang Duc Xua in Phu Yen. 

Coming to the land of yellow flowers and green grass, visitors will surely fall in love with beautiful beaches, breathtaking landscapes or attractive cuisine. But Phu Yen is not only that, it also has great destinations with ancient spaces full of nostalgia that make visitors bewildered and fiddled like the ancient house of Quang Duc Xua . This is a place that will make you feel like you are living slowly amidst the rush of time, to feel the clarity, tranquility and enchanting beauty of the old things. Coming to Quang Duc Xua and being immersed in the flow of nostalgia, will be a memorable experience that you will never forget. 

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

Quang Duc Xua is a beautiful and different destination in Phu Yen. Photo: @max.nng

Quang Duc Xua ancient house – beautiful nostalgic space in Phu Yen 

Quang Duc Xua Ancient House is one of the beautiful stops in Phu Yen, an ideal place for visitors to settle down, quietly feel the cultural flow of this department as well as learn about the products. craft villages or cultural quintessence of South Central Vietnam.

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

Quang Duc Xua has its own ancient features. Photo: FB Quang Duc Xua

This is a private ancient house of Mr. Pham Le Quoc Cuong’s family, located at 95-97 National Highway 1A, Crossing 3 down to the rock disc reef in Tuy An district of Phu Yen province. This ancient house was officially opened in 2017 to share and introduce to visitors near and far the culture and story of the unique blood cockle line that has been lost for half a century. 

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

This place has been open to welcome guests since 2017. Photo:@quynh3438

>>See more: Check-in the beautiful Long Van Garden tourist area in the heart of Phu Yen 

A space full of nostalgia in the land of yellow flowers and green grass 

Visiting the ancient house of Quang Duc Xua , stepping through the gate tinged with time, you will admire a Hue-style space with lawns, the shadow of meticulously cared-for ceramic pots, and orchards. Everything here is delicately and beautifully decorated by the owner of the house. You will be captivated by a spacious garden with simple tables and chairs, mortar, stone, and stone mill under the ancient trees. The simple space makes people feel like they are lost in the old years. 

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

Quang Duc Ancient is peaceful and ancient. Photo: FB/Quang Duc Xua

The space here has all 3 old houses with unique architecture including the governor’s house, Quang Duc house and O Loan house. Each old house here has its own special features from textures, and architecture to display and space layout. In particular, the wooden houses used to display ancient and rustic items that were once popular in Phu Yen or the ancient pottery lines that were once resounding are always extremely popular with tourists. 

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

The space is fresh and ancient. Photo: FB/ Quang Duc Xua

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

Peaceful view through the window. Photo: FB/Quang Duc Xua

Accordingly, the first wooden house is a place to display rustic items such as wooden looms of Ngan Son villagers, cake molds, old sewing machines, old telephones or river fishing tools. The 2nd wooden house in Quang Duc Xua displays precious antiques of Quang Duc pottery village, antique brass items, flower pots, and aquariums for unglazed ceramics.

The 3rd house displays precious multi-colored glazed ceramic lines, including extremely rare glaze colors such as blood example, turquoise. Unique items such as jars, bowls, wine glasses or unique products such as silk and incense. 

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

Each old house here will exhibit a theme. Photo: FB/Quang Duc Xua

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

The space inside is full of nostalgia.

The lost line of unique blood cockle glaze

Phu folk often handed down the folk song “Quang Duc pottery, Ngan Son silk” showing the popularity of these two craft villages in the past, especially Quang Duc pottery village. This is a pottery village in the Tuy An district, existing since the end of the 16th century.Ancient house of Quang Duc XuaThe unique line of blood cockle glaze is a highlight in Quang Duc Xua. Photo: FB/Quang Duc Xua

Legend has it that since the 17th century, there was a Nguyen family who brought Go Sanh pottery making from Binh Dinh to Phu Yen. Because of inheriting the technique of making Cham pottery, Quang Duc village’s pottery has very high quality and is beautiful.

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

The blood cockle glaze ceramic products here are unique. Photo: FB/Quang Duc Xua

Referring to the ceramic products of Quang Duc village, people will remember the famous blood cockle enamel pot line. Besides the clay, the workers also added fresh blood cockles from the O Loan lagoon and burned for 3 days and 3 nights with mangosteen firewood to produce beautiful finished products, products in the same kiln but in different colors. It’s unique, so it’s precious and well-liked. 

Enjoy an interesting trip to the ancient house of Quang Duc Xua Phu Yen 

In addition to the cultural space, attractive display, unique ancient architecture, immersed in the peaceful, ethereal charm, at Quang Duc Xua ancient house, visitors can also experience many interesting activities. An activity that is quite popular with tourists here is virtual check-in with countless beautiful backgrounds. You can check in to relax because here any space will bring a special feeling and a beautiful shimmering image. 

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

Quang Duc Xua has many extreme virtual living corners. Photo: @007._.chu_ly.

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

The space is extremely suitable for taking photos of ancient times. Photo: @ah_nct

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

Beautiful garden corner. Photo: @aimedelem

In particular, at the ancient house of Quang Duc Xua , you will be invited to enjoy the attractive and typical dishes of this land such as the sweet and sour cake with little thorn leaves, or the salted egg dish with fragrant jasmine tea. Attractive variety of drinks and what’s even better is that they are all free. 

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

Cake with little prickly leaves, a specialty of Binh Dinh. Photo: FB/ Quang Duc Xua

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

Chicken eggs marinated with jasmine special flavor. Photo: FB/Quang Duc Xua

Ancient house of Quang Duc Xua

Drinks are attractive and always free. Photo: @khanhhoang79

Traveling to Phu Yen, if you want to once live in a space full of nostalgia and discover the unique culture of the land of yellow flowers and green grass from ancient times, then come to the ancient house of Quang Duc Xua . 

Photo: Internet 

Visit the 200-year-old ancient house of Quang Duc Xua in Phu Yen

Source: vinlove